Venom Yellow/BSS Spidey Interaction (Bug?)

jobob Posts: 680 Critical Contributor
Yellow seems bugged with BSS blue... BSS blue is supposed to do extra damage when invisible, but it doesn't seem to work when Venom makes him invisible.


  • AtlasAxe
    AtlasAxe Posts: 147 Tile Toppler
    Yes, seeing the same. Only works when opponent is stunned. Clearly not correct behavior.
  • AtlasAxe
    AtlasAxe Posts: 147 Tile Toppler
    I watched it carefully. Venom yellow didn't actually make him invisible. I have a screen shot but don't know how to post it. I will continue to try this and verify.
  • jobob
    jobob Posts: 680 Critical Contributor
    Atlas Axe wrote:
    I watched it carefully. Venom yellow didn't actually make him invisible. I have a screen shot but don't know how to post it. I will continue to try this and verify.
    Yeah, NOT ONLY does it NOT turn BSS invisible...

    If BSS is already invisible when you cast Venom yellow, it will turn him visible again.

    It's really screwy, and needs fixing.
  • AtlasAxe
    AtlasAxe Posts: 147 Tile Toppler
    Great. This should have been an obvious test item before release. That you'd want to use this new character with BSSM is pretty obvious - anything that makes him invisible is a plus.

    Question is whether IW does this also.
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    They announced the BSS interaction with team invis when the IW update was released. Presumably they're working on it, but need another patch cycle to fix it.