Confirmation of PVP SCL8 rewards.

Phumade Posts: 2,495 Chairperson of the Boards
edited November 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
Can a developer confirm that the SCL rewards are correctly set for the Predator Prey Pvp?

In identity theft scl8, I read the cover rewards as follows:

T1= Black,Yellow Wasp cover + previous covers (which is Black, Yellow) for a total of 4 4* covers
T2-5= Black, Yellow Wasp cover + previous covers (full set of black panther covers) for a total of 2 4* covers

In Predator Prey scl8, I read the cover rewards as follows
T1= previous rank covers (which is red, black AV) for a total of 2 4* covers
T2-5= Red, black AV covers + prev covers (full set of cmags ocvers ) for a total of 2 4* covers

It looks like T1 got stripped of 2 covers for pred prey. Can this be confirmed?


  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    Something similar going on in SCL7. Top 1 gets red/black, nobody's getting his yellow.
  • vaportrail
    vaportrail Posts: 64 Match Maker
    From what I've heard, the 4 covers was a typo, 1st place only got 2 covers in Mystique and Punisher SCL8 so it's been corrected now.
  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,495 Chairperson of the Boards
    vaportrail wrote:
    From what I've heard, the 4 covers was a typo, 1st place only got 2 covers in Mystique and Punisher SCL8 so it's been corrected now.


    Tomorrow will be an interesting day. Gonna need to get some butter and salt to go with my popcorn.

    A few observations.
    1. I think your right it was typo and their real intent was to only give 2 covers.
    2. I'll be interested to hear how they intend to include proof reading as part of their new QA processes.
    3. At some point, someone realized that a description mistake was out in the wild and they fixed it for the upcoming black panther event.
    4. With that said, they decided not to inform the players that their was a serious mistake in the prize table. (unless of course, there was an announcement in game or on the forums that I failed to notice) LOL.
    5. Several players in S1 made hop and shield decisions predicated on the fact that they knew what the T1 prizes were in identity theft.
    6. We still don't have an announcement from a red name acknowledging that there was a mistake, and the incorrect verbiage is still live on the event rewards page.
    7. Until that announcement comes in game or from a red name, players should not assume that the prize table is wrong. Players should be entitled to a good faith reliance on the accuracy of the info provided ingame or the developers should make at a good faith attempt to correct the misinformation.

    8. You can be reasonably confident that the T1 players who are getting affected by this mistake in SCL8 are the most engaged (devs term) / overpowered players in the game. I don't think it would be a stretch to imagine that they weren't to thrilled about this error in the prize table. (and informally I knew at least 2 s1 uberwhales who have already filed tickets. LOL)

    I think this will be a great real test case to see how Brigby handles and addresses this situation. I have often clamored for more transparency and communications from the MPQ team (which includes devs, community manages, and CS). And this situation will provided an ideal test case to see how they address this oversight. Will it be another case of "Sorry you didn't meet the criteria for a character breakdown, and no I can't tell you the criteria for why we arbitrarily broke down some chars for players but not for others?"

    Luckily I'm in S5 so I won't bother trying to chase T1. Although I feel bad for the S2 players, who are operating under the impression that ranking T1 was gonna be 4 covers. A great way to put Brigby through his paces.


    Edit: With Thanksgiving holiday coming, we'll see how long it takes for this issue to be addressed. I'll be curious to hear from my S1 buddies about what CS actually does about this incident, irrespective of how this gets responded too in public.
  • Jathro
    Jathro Posts: 323 Mover and Shaker
    The wording (which has changed) led me to believe there were 4x 4* covers to be had. I'd have saved hp on shields if I had known it was a typo/poor word choice keeping me from getting the rewards as advertised
  • Moon Roach
    Moon Roach Posts: 2,863 Chairperson of the Boards
    I just want them to show how many CP we get. I don't like my PVP threads possibly being wrong.

    They must have noticed by now that there's not room for all the rewards to be shown properly. I even put something about this in the bugs sub forum.

    :edit: Ooh, looks like the latest update changed the layout, and now it's all visible.