Random Boosted Characters

Ron30 Posts: 22 Just Dropped In
One of the prominent issues with the game currently, is the monotony of events. In PVE, once you find the ideal team you want to use for the event, you generally stick to it, except maybe a few changes for specific nodes or for the essential nodes. Likewise, in PVP, you'll likely select 1-3 different team combinations to use throughout, and will almost always hit the same teams on your climb (for example, in the recent Punisher event, almost half the teams used Jean Grey + Thing). In both scenarios, you'll almost always be using a boosted character, if not 2 or 3 boosted characters. Even if they aren't ideal, the added damage makes them worthwhile.

What I'm suggesting is that everyone get random boosted characters for a set period (say 3 or 4 days). You would still boost your essentials for PVE or the required PVP character, as well as your new characters, but then you would have a random selection of four 4 stars, four 3 stars, four 2 stars and one 1 star character that are boosted. Every player would a different list of characters that have been boosted, so that you aren't versing the exact same teams in every other match in PVP, or all using the same strategy in PVE events. By limiting this to 3 or 4 days, before boosting another random 13 characters (or however many it is), there is also the chance that the boosted list could change partway through a PVE or PVP event, therefore making us re-evaluate our strategy again. Topping the leaderboards in a PVE event at the start, may not be indicative of where you may end up at the end of the event. The characters you've chosen to level and champ may changes as you may need a particular boosted character to perform well. You would need to pick your PVP targets more carefully instead of finding a 'winning team' against the current best combo of the event and sticking to it for 3 days.

All in all, I think it would add the variety required to alleviate some of the repetitiveness of an otherwise great game.

Edit: For certain events such as Boss events or Heroic events, this may not be feasible but for all standard PVP and PVE events, this should work.