New 4* as progression reward instead of placement reward

kyo28 Posts: 161 Tile Toppler
edited November 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
Dear fellow gamers and staff,

I'm burning out on this game. I'm sorry to put it so bluntly but that's how it is. Regular PVE play is very fun for me as long as I can do it casually / semi-casually. But then comes the time of the new star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png release and all hell breaks loose.

Everyone aims to get that new character and as such I need to invest an inordinate amount of time and effort to, hopefully, if I'm lucky, get this new cover. And that sucks the fun out of the game for me.

When I play other games like Destiny or TitanFall 2 on PS4 for example, the game lets me progress at my pace. More free time to play? Go for it! Less time to play? You won't be penalized, just slower progression.

Not here. Here you get penalized for not grinding new character events down to the bone. Not only that but the game wants to dictate when I need to play, because optimal play times equal more points equal higher chances of getting the new cover.

Instead of incentivising me, it's starting to be a detterent to the point that I'll give up on steady progress and just play occasionally or limit myself largely to DDQ. And that's sad because at first I had such fun with this game.

The only thing that can remedy this, IMHO, is making the new covers part of the progression rewards instead of placement rewards. Or better yet, for PVE drop placement rewards all together.

So, any other gamers out there feel the same? Is the mandatory grind and forced timing of the events starting to wear on you? If there are more that feel the same, can the devs lend us an ear and chime in?