New 4* as progression reward instead of placement reward

kyo28 Posts: 161 Tile Toppler
Dear fellow gamers and staff,

I'm burning out on this game. I'm sorry to put it so bluntly but that's how it is. Regular PVE play is very fun for me as long as I can do it casually / semi-casually. But then comes the time of the new star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png release and all hell breaks loose.

Everyone aims to get that new character and as such I need to invest an inordinate amount of time and effort to, hopefully, if I'm lucky, get this new cover. And that sucks the fun out of the game for me.

When I play other games like Destiny or TitanFall 2 on PS4 for example, the game lets me progress at my pace. More free time to play? Go for it! Less time to play? You won't be penalized, just slower progression.

Not here. Here you get penalized for not grinding new character events down to the bone. Not only that but the game wants to dictate when I need to play, because optimal play times equal more points equal higher chances of getting the new cover.

Instead of incentivising me, it's starting to be a detterent to the point that I'll give up on steady progress and just play occasionally or limit myself largely to DDQ. And that's sad because at first I had such fun with this game.

The only thing that can remedy this, IMHO, is making the new covers part of the progression rewards instead of placement rewards. Or better yet, for PVE drop placement rewards all together.

So, any other gamers out there feel the same? Is the mandatory grind and forced timing of the events starting to wear on you? If there are more that feel the same, can the devs lend us an ear and chime in?


  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    There's a Venom cover in progression in the Simulator.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    Drop placement all together.

    I'm also in team burnout. I'm taking a week off only doing DDQ and PvP SHEILD Simultor.
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think your point was much more valid in the past, but now a days, you can win a cover with progression in both PvE and PvP AND you don't need to max cover all 4s, if you get one cover on all of them is enough to play in essential nodes (and still no 4-PvP), so with the cover you get in progression you have enough to keep playing other PvEs.

    So my recommendation to you is, forget completely about placement in PvE, just go for the 4 clears that will give you the CPs and the 4 cover as progression.

    PS: Also team burnout here, but in my case is getting to 1200 in PvP. Everyday that passes is harder ( more people has covered a couple of 5s at this point so now it is much easier to get hit ) and more 'stressful'. I will probably start getting to 900 soon :S but this will make my push to champ more 5s really difficult
  • GurlBYE
    GurlBYE Posts: 1,218 Chairperson of the Boards
    Polares wrote:
    I think your point was much more valid in the past, but now a days, you can win a cover with progression in both PvE and PvP AND you don't need to max cover all 4s, if you get one cover on all of them is enough to play in essential nodes (and still no 4-PvP), so with the cover you get in progression you have enough to keep playing other PvEs.

    So my recommendation to you is, forget completely about placement in PvE, just go for the 4 clears that will give you the CPs and the 4 cover as progression.

    So you think 1 cover every 40 events (40 plus if this isn't the last 4 star) addresses the issues of 4 stars being so difficult to obtain?

    If the events averaged 3 days, that'd be 120 days for 1 color of each.

    360 for 1 of each of the 3 colors. Multiply that by 13 (ok lets be fair, maybe 8-9 since we're using cp too) That'd be 4,680 days

    and hoping the cp doesn't give you duplicates.

    I get that, but part of people wanting new characters is to get a head start on the nightmare above.
  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    I feel the same way as you. I hate how I need to plan my day around optimal gaming times so that I can get the rewards I want. But if real life gets in the way, like it did this weekend, then I miss out on good placement, then miss the new 4* cover and then go into the next event at a disadvantage because I can't complete the node with the required 4*. After a couple sub-events, I can get the 4* progression reward, but by then, it's too late and I'm too far behind in placement.

    The grind is killing us in PvE. Remove the placement rewards altogether! Then improve the progression rewards and add some more rewards at the end for those who want to grind for a few extras. This way, players aren't required to play the nodes at specific times for 1-2 hrs in order to get maximum points and placement. They can play when they want to and the only limitation is the 24 or 48 hr window. This is what makes DDQ awesome! No placement rewards, just progression rewards at your own pace. This would make PvE much more fun to play.

    PvP can be the area where you compete against each other. It seems like the point of building strong characters is to be competitive in PvP. PvE can act as the step to build those characters - not an arena to compete with them.
  • firethorne
    firethorne Posts: 1,505 Chairperson of the Boards
    Jarvind wrote:
    There's a Venom cover in progression in the Simulator.

    Assuming they are on CL 7+.
    GurlBYE wrote:
    Polares wrote:
    I think your point was much more valid in the past, but now a days, you can win a cover with progression in both PvE and PvP AND you don't need to max cover all 4s, if you get one cover on all of them is enough to play in essential nodes (and still no 4-PvP), so with the cover you get in progression you have enough to keep playing other PvEs.

    So my recommendation to you is, forget completely about placement in PvE, just go for the 4 clears that will give you the CPs and the 4 cover as progression.

    So you think 1 cover every 40 events (40 plus if this isn't the last 4 star) addresses the issues of 4 stars being so difficult to obtain?

    If the events averaged 3 days, that'd be 120 days for 1 color of each.

    360 for 1 of each of the 3 colors. Multiply that by 13 (ok lets be fair, maybe 8-9 since we're using cp too) That'd be 4,680 days

    and hoping the cp doesn't give you duplicates.

    I get that, but part of people wanting new characters is to get a head start on the nightmare above.

    You also have 4* DDQ, 3* champion rewards, and the (albeit low) chance of a draw from heroics, tacos, and other event tokens. That said though, I'm not really going to argue with someone for stating that 4* acquisition isn't what it should be. It has been worse in the past, but I agree that it is slow, and RNG can really tinykitty you over. I can sympathize with my 0/0/1 Moon Knight and recent unusable draws of two Baglady's and a Carnage.
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    GurlBYE wrote:
    Polares wrote:
    I think your point was much more valid in the past, but now a days, you can win a cover with progression in both PvE and PvP AND you don't need to max cover all 4s, if you get one cover on all of them is enough to play in essential nodes (and still no 4-PvP), so with the cover you get in progression you have enough to keep playing other PvEs.

    So my recommendation to you is, forget completely about placement in PvE, just go for the 4 clears that will give you the CPs and the 4 cover as progression.

    So you think 1 cover every 40 events (40 plus if this isn't the last 4 star) addresses the issues of 4 stars being so difficult to obtain?

    If the events averaged 3 days, that'd be 120 days for 1 color of each.

    360 for 1 of each of the 3 colors. Multiply that by 13 (ok lets be fair, maybe 8-9 since we're using cp too) That'd be 4,680 days

    and hoping the cp doesn't give you duplicates.

    I get that, but part of people wanting new characters is to get a head start on the nightmare above.

    No, I didn't say that. I said that you don't need to max cover all 4s, just the top tier ones, so no need to try to be top20 or top10 in PvE for most chars. My post was not about the rate in which 4s are awarded, that is a completely different debate. Like going completely progression in PvE.

    OP creator didn't state he thought 4 were hard to obtain or something like this, just that he was having problems to enjoy PvE, and I just answered with an advice to his problem.
  • halirin
    halirin Posts: 327 Mover and Shaker
    Try playing less! Maybe get the character from progression in PvP or the next event! Live life in a way that doesn't suck and accept that you will cover characters more slowly.

    Maybe do a quick exercise based on Economics and opportunity cost. If you wouldn't pay $X to obtain a reward, then don't spend $X worth of time doing something you find unpleasant to get it. If you enjoy 20 hours of grind, then go have fun until it stops being fun. If you would be happier playing only 5 hours, then consider putting a value to the extra 15 hours and figure out whether you're drastically overpaying for 1 to 4 covers. Don't overpay!

    Remember, high prices aren't the market trying to be mean, they're the market trying to discourage your from buying something unless it's really valuable to you. That applies to things you buy with money or with time. It even applies to games and life.
  • OnesOwnGrief
    OnesOwnGrief Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    Be true PvE instead of competitive PvE. Drop placement, lock nodes after 6 clears. Add covers at various point totals that can be reached for clearing every node until all are locked. It's not that hard to do as the code is already in the game. It's already known they have to run events with a leaderboard. That doesn't mean they have to use it. For example, The Gauntlet.
  • granne
    granne Posts: 852 Critical Contributor
    What I'd like is one cover for each of the next event's essentials slotted in towards the end of the progression rewards. It always seems like it takes forever to get from the last Iso reward to the CPs, so why not add in a little something for those who are playing hard, but were unlucky in their bracket?

    Like me last time around, when my SCL 7 bracket was filled with people who had dropped down from 8 to have a better chance at the new Venom covers. *sigh* I did manage to get one, but it was cloooooose.
  • vinsensual
    vinsensual Posts: 458 Mover and Shaker
    It's especially worse for the events after a character release, when you have to go into a 4* essential with a 2-3 covered character. It's a 2v3 for a node that's usually the 2nd hardest in the subevent.

    I don't care to own Agent Venom and I may skip this next pve, but I know a heroic is either next or really soon. It would be too tempting to just keep skipping pve especially over the holidays. I think they should lower clears to 3, down from 4, but I wonder if this is just give-a-mouse-a-cookie syndrome, since they just recently included 4*s in progression.
  • veny
    veny Posts: 834 Critical Contributor
    Months ago i had to wait for weeks to get new release. Now i can easily get from progress reward pool in the event right after his release.
    I think it is fair how it works now, no need to make it easier.