I propose a Steam Vault. VIP solution?

Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
My VIP has lapsed and I'm less likely to reinstate it because I'm a Steam player. Every day the mobile players will get a small advantage due to the way the VIP system with with adverts, granting a daily drop of a mystery extra prize several times.

Now, due to the way Steam works it's impossible to impliment such a system on that platform.

People have made suggestions but I'm not sure I saw anyone suggest a vault. Elite tokens aren't purchasable, and as such don't show up in the list of tokens until you have one. I propose a Steam Vault or at least a Steam Token. If you're a VIP on Steam you get all the prizes as normal plus a Steam Vault token. You can redeem that and get one of the prizes the mobile users would get randomly.

Is that a thing that's at all possible to create?


  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    I like it. 30 item vault with a distribution of the Intercept prizes. Each day, you draw one of them.

    The distribution should probably approximate what you'd see for any individual drop, and be scaled up slightly to account for the fact that while a mobile user is (probably) not going to get 20 SHIELD Intercept rewards per day, a user active enough to be VIP is probably not going to see only one per day, either.

    So instead of a 10 HP reward, maybe the vault would have a particular number of 40 HP rewards. Instead of a 1000 ISO reward, it might be a 2500 ISO reward. Or whatever the distribution plus a reasonable scaling would look like. I'm not going to try to math that out.

    But the point is trying to peg the daily "Steam Vault" return to something approximating a reasonable average of what mobile users are getting. Would you get ALL of it? Nope. Would only an extra 10 HP or 250 ISO/day be fair relative to mobile? Also nope.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yeah, I figure the vault would need to be sizable in order to keep with the random nature of the shield intercepts. Like, if the shield intercept has a possible prize of 1000 ISO but there's a 5% chance of winning it, having a 30 item vault with a 1000 ISO in it skews things too far in the Steam user's favour since they're almost certain to get it.

    It's going to be a tough balancing act.

    I forgot to mention something in my original post. The reason for making a special Steam token is so that the screen to open them remains hidden. That way if it needs to be a whole client side thing there's no anger from the common player on mobie who sees this "Steam Rewards" page and can never click anything in it. It simply doesn't exist and can't be seen because they can't get Steam tokens. That way there's no hard feelings. Unless you came to these boards and saw an update detailing the feature you'd never know it was there.

    Just like how Steam users would never know of the Shield Intercept feature unless they came here, since that news page has long since gone.
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    They've already got the code for random rewards in the daily resupply, though. they could probably repurpose that to have a random reward alongside the VIP, if vault visibility is an issue.

    If you name it "Steam SHIELD Intercepts Vault," most users are *probably* going to be able to figure out what it's for.