Where is my notification after being attacked?

Black Duke
Black Duke Posts: 694 Critical Contributor
I`ve mentioned in the last PVP events that there`s a huge temporary difference between actually being attacked and the notification that you`re being attacked. Initially I thought that my WLAN is responsible for that but I`ve tested it in three diffenerent WLAN hotspots and the issue is still the same!

Does anybody have the same problem?


  • alphabeta
    alphabeta Posts: 469 Mover and Shaker
    Pretty much everyone I know has terrible server lag on PVP notifications - if they show up at all
  • Bondidude
    Bondidude Posts: 46 Just Dropped In
    It is frustrating to get the notification on your phone you've been attacked and not have it pop up in game for several more minutes after. Especially in a fast paced PvP like Lightning Rounds or something. I'm sure it's probably because the PvP notifications are on some kind of timer to decrease unneeded server hits but it's still a frustrating part of the game.

    But no, you're not alone.
  • dsds
    dsds Posts: 526
    alphabeta wrote:
    Pretty much everyone I know has terrible server lag on PVP notifications - if they show up at all
    Mine show up after winning or losing fight. But if I do nothing, I will get the notification on my phone notification screen, but the pop up and the red nodes come after I have fought a fight.
  • pheregas
    pheregas Posts: 1,721 Chairperson of the Boards
    I started having that issue during last week's LRs. It extended to the BoP PVE and also into this week's LRs.

    I sent a ticket to CS, but I got the standard form letter back requesting the information I already sent. I responded anyway, but haven't heard anything back yet. I'm not holding my breath though.