"Favorite" a character feature

Bondidude Posts: 46 Just Dropped In
I would really like the ability to make a character as a "favorite" or "top" character. This way they would be the first ones to show up in my character listing when selecting chracters for a match or when sending team ups.

The reason I say this is that my roster currently has over 100 characters on it. It's a long list and I only get to view 8 of them at a time. So that means that there are roughly 13 pages of characters I have to scroll through to find the one that I want. This also means that sometimes I have to scroll through multiple times to find the one I want or when sending team ups I forget which characters I usually send that have good abilities for team ups (Deadpool for instance). I also forget that I have characters on my roster that some people like to have on hand for team ups, such as MBW for her stun which sits as a level 1 5 blue cover character. If I could favorite these then I won't have to dig through multiple pages or go all the way to very last page to send them.

This could also be implemented on the hero selection screen as a "Recently used" tab that could be switched to easily for regularly used characters (because let's face it, I have 100+ characters and maybe 10-15 I use regularly) and similarly when sending team ups. A most frequent 5 or something at the top would be helpful.