questions and assistance please.

dyjost Posts: 11
edited November 2016 in Roster and Level Help
alright first, one thing i've noticed and it irritates me greatly, why do heroes get stronger mid level as opposed to the actual level benchmarks? was this ever answered?

and second, i was wondering about getting help with my roster. I saw in another thread that many dont believe 1*'s to be worth keeping.

third, what are some tips for finding a decent alliance/scoring well with a limited roster.


  • Magic
    Magic Posts: 1,199 Chairperson of the Boards
    General tips:

    1. 1* are not needed as soon as you have working 2*. You should keep one - preferably Juggernaut (can also be Iron Man or Spider man but Juggs is better) to clear the daily DDQ node. Selling the others gives you slots for more needed 3* heroes.
    2. For alliance - look in the forum. There is an Alliance section. You can look for a top 250 or top 100 alliance (might be asking too much as I am not sure you can make the goal in PvP; for PvE it is usually max progression and that is doable with any roster. Maybe top 100 PvE alliance is a way for you). Definitely get one that scores in the top 250 area - the rewards are worth it and the help from alliance mates is invaluable as well.
    3. Don't open Legendary or use CP yet - no need for you to add more 4 and 5* yet.
    4. Keep working on maxing all your 2* and adding covers to your 3*. Wait with leveling 3, 4 and 5 stars till you are ready. When you are ready? When you have max covered multiple top ones for each tier (well - for 5* it works a bit differently but that is a long way to go).
    5. Use you Hero Points on slots only - don't waste them to buy packs, or health packs. Occasional Shield might be worth it if you hit over 400 in the PvP (if you can - you will get a 10-pack in each season).
    6. Complete DDQ as much as you can, watch the new commercial feature as this is extra resources.
    7. Play as much PvE as you can - the best source of resources for young roster. But do try the PvP as well (take what you can get, don't worry about loses). And look for Lighting rounds - if you enter the event the moment it starts you can get to 250 points just fighting the seed team - pleanty of covers and ISO there.
    8. Enjoy the game - it's fun but takes long time to develop if you don't splash a lot of money (I play for over 2 years and I am mid my 4* transition).

    ps. sorry for making the sentences in a very imperative way - these are just nuggets of advise. You can take it or leave it icon_e_wink.gif
  • abominatrix
    abominatrix Posts: 221 Tile Toppler
    Magic's advice is pretty spot-on, but to expand on a couple of topics:

    First, it's hard to say anything certain since you haven't put the levels in your roster. I assume that your 1* are maxed and that your 2* are on their way.

    1* - Keep whichever 1* you like, but make sure that it's one that is not in 2* land (Jugs, IM, Spider-Man, even Venom or Yelena); any of them can win the 1* DDQ node, which unlocks the 2* nodes, which you can beat assuming you have a 2* team you like. If you keep a second 2*, I recommend keeping Widow; your alliance will like getting 5* blue teamups from you even if you luck into a top-tier alliance.

    Alliance - For a new player, you could even go with a public alliance; the main thing you'll get is the daily ISO anyway. Make sure you join an alliance where everybody plays daily. You probably won't get picked up by a top-tier alliance at this point, but either a public or casual private alliance will certainly help your progression.

    The rest of his advice is spot-on; unless you spend significant cash, your progress will only be slow and steady; a couple of months to have workable 2* roster, a year to have a good 3* roster... I am on day 535 and am still using mostly 3* although I've started the 4* transition.
  • dyjost
    dyjost Posts: 11
    sorry about not posting my entire roster, thats why i had the roster thing put in my sig.
  • dyjost
    dyjost Posts: 11
    so i've got, in order of rarity,
    1* : spiderman lvl 50 - 4 redflag.png 5 blueflag.png 4 purpleflag.png (i like his move set over 2*)
    ironman lvl 45 - 5 redflag.png 4 yellowflag.png 4 blueflag.png (planning to drop for mk40 lack covers)
    juggernautlvl 40 - 5 greenflag.png 5 redflag.png (just so good)
    storm lvl 37 - 5 greenflag.png 4 yellowflag.png 4 blackflag.png (prefer parts of this one)
    B. Widow lvl 35 - 5 purpleflag.png 5 blueflag.png (love this ones stun over the heal on *2)

    2*: C-daken lvl 97 - 4 purpleflag.png 5 blackflag.png 4 blueflag.png
    A.XM wolvy lvl 71- 5 greenflag.png 4 redflag.png 1 yellowflag.png
    moonstone lvl 70 - 2 purpleflag.png 4 redflag.png 4 blackflag.png
    Cl. storm lvl 60 - 5 greenflag.png 4 blueflag.png 4 yellowflag.png
    ms marvel lvl 56 - 5 redflag.png 1 blackflag.png 3 yellowflag.png
    Cl. B. Widow lvl 44 - 4 purpleflag.png 5 blueflag.png 4 blackflag.png
    MN. Thor lvl 41 - 4 redflag.png 3 yellowflag.png 4 greenflag.png
    W. Magneto lvl 40 - 3 blueflag.png 2 purpleflag.png 2 redflag.png
    johnnystorm lvl 39 - 1 redflag.png 2 blackflag.png 3 greenflag.png

    3*: Blade lvl 66 - 3 purpleflag.png 1 greenflag.png
    M. Thor lvl 65 - 2 yellowflag.png 3 greenflag.png
    patch wolvy lvl 53 - 2 redflag.png 1 yellowflag.png
    Cl Magneto lvl 50 - 2 blueflag.png
    doc otto lvl 43 - 1 blueflag.png 1 blackflag.png
    mk40 Iron lvl 43 - 1 redflag.png 1 yellowflag.png
    the hulk lvl 43 - 1 greenflag.png 1 redflag.png
    GS Widow lvl 40 - 1 purpleflag.png
    rocket groot lvl 40 - 1 greenflag.png

    4*: lvl 70
    G.Rider - 1 greenflag.png
    reed - 1 blackflag.png
    punisher - 1 blueflag.png
    goddess thor - 1 yellowflag.png
    W.soldier - 1 redflag.png

    5* steve rogers lvl 255 - 1 blueflag.png
  • abominatrix
    abominatrix Posts: 221 Tile Toppler
    Thanks for posting this; You should be in a position to get through at least 4/5 rounds of DDQ every day at this point. While I was able to beat Big E with a similar roster when I was at your point, Big E is more random now than it was then, and many days it will be a challenge... Just today, the first wave of Big E was Sentry Fighter/Sentry Flyer and another goon, I don't know if a non-champed 2* roster can manage that.

    Anyway, given your roster, I would suggest the following:
    1. Champ OBW. OBW pairs OK with Daken (she pairs better with Wolverine, but you don't have the covers for him yet), but OBW + strike tiles + OBW blue = a great shot at taking out goons. Maybe OBW/Daken/Jugs gets you through all of DDQ on days when Big E has goons in the first round. You won't have to worry about this for long, since 2* covers flow like water, so you'll be able to put strong teams together soon enough (like Thor/Mags/Storm or Wolverine/OBW/Marvel)
    2. DDQ. Every day. If you can't get the 3* from Big E, you can at least get 2 tacos plus ISO.
    3. Do lightning rounds every 2 hours on Tuesday/Wednesday. Queue it up a few minutes before each event starts (in California, it's every even hour between 10am Tuesday and 8am Thursday); that way you'll get 7-9 starter nodes which you can easily beat for ISO, covers, etc. When you run out of starter nodes, then move on.
    4. Have you cleared every node of the Prologue? You should earn every reward (for example, all 64 rewards from Juggernaut); there's some good stuff there.
    5. PVE - I don't know your shield level, but at shield level 5, there is a free 3* at an achievable progression level (plus ISO, plus tokens, plus match awards). Always play at your maximum shield level unless there is a compelling reason not to.
    6. PVP - Feel free to dip your toes into it; if you catch feeder nodes, that's 3 free wins for 101 points (which is good for some ISO and a standard token, at least). If you can get a little more, all the better.

    The rest of Magic's advice is still valid; HP on slots only, don't spend CP until you have champed 3*, hoard any legendary tokens you pick up, etc. Your goals should all be around getting a solid champed 2* roster and accumulating 3* covers for now.

    Hope this helps!
  • dyjost
    dyjost Posts: 11
    as for daken, i normally run daken and AXM wolverine with someone, normally someone who's boosted in the current event. as for daily deadpools, i have no problem getting the basic 3 taken care of, but i can never get more than one token a day because i'm always lacking the needed characters. also, should i stockpile tacos and then just collect in bulk when i have a decent shot at a hero i want? i normally cash them in immediately for a chance at some free hero coins
  • abominatrix
    abominatrix Posts: 221 Tile Toppler
    Forgot about the required character, but you should be able to beat that node whenever you have it.

    Generally, you should pull tokens when you can afford to get a good result, and if the good result will be useful. So don't open tacos unless you can roster the 3* you might get from it (same applies to heroics). If you don't mind spending the occasional $20, then pull away; getting 3* rostered is important from the DDQ and PVE essential perspective. If you don't want to spend $$$, then wait until you have the CP to buy a slot then pull tokens until you have to spend the CP.

    Same logic applies to why you shouldn't pull legendaries for now; the 4/5* you get you can't use for now, so save it for when it makes a difference.

    You should be OK for now assuming you're willing to sell off a few of your 1*, that will free up room for whatever 3* you pull.
  • spatenfloot
    spatenfloot Posts: 662 Critical Contributor
    Sell the 5 star Steve Rogers and stop opening legendary tokens.
  • dyjost
    dyjost Posts: 11
    Sell the 5 star Steve Rogers and stop opening legendary tokens.
    while i'm not going to make the mistake of opening any more legendaries, i'm definetely not selling him any time soon. he's made the difference a few too many times to just get rid of him.
  • Magic
    Magic Posts: 1,199 Chairperson of the Boards
    No need to sell the lone 5* (even if it's the lowest tier) - his match damage alone is great help in PvE - just don't open other tokens and you will be fine. When you develop your roster the 1 cover 5* will slowly lose value but for now he can help for sure.