Roster Cloud-Synched to wrong Steam Account

Edelkin Posts: 46 Just Dropped In
My roster, ISO, Hero Points, and Command Points have been cloud synched to a different Steam Account that was logged onto my computer. I had significantly more covers, including several Dr. Strange covers that the other account did not have. I put in an email to both steam and d3 but have not gotten a response from either. Also lost ten covers of Devil Dinosaur from the anniversary event (several of which were purchased with money through vaults). I have spent a significant amount of money on the game and would like some response from someone. Essentially I can't play right now and I have lost months worth of progress on my roster.


  • Edelkin
    Edelkin Posts: 46 Just Dropped In
    It's been over a week. I got a canned response to my ticket on Monday requesting information and some instructions which were not going to work for a steam account. And nothing since my response giving the information requested. Losing progress as the days wisp away in a time sensitive game. Perhaps it is time to move on.
  • Edelkin
    Edelkin Posts: 46 Just Dropped In
    Still no actual response 12 days later............this is getting ridiculous.