Please Show Steam Users Some Love

zulux21 Posts: 249 Tile Toppler
First there was facebook linking, steam users missed out on plenty of resources but that was made up for by having a much better UI.

now there are S.H.I.E.L.D. Signal Intercepts that give out even more rewards than facebook linking, widening the resource gap even more. (making VIP more valuable on mobile while giving nothing extra on steam)

what do you say to steam users.
sorry we can't include you because we can't put ads in the game on the steam version. (you know you could just add the bonuses for VIP members since they don't watch the ads anyways)

nothing about a chance to move your save to mobile so you aren't missing out.
nothing about steam users getting a special bonus daily reward to keep the resource gap growing at a small rate.
nothing but a simple sorry.

you claim you want to make a balanced game, and yet you are actively excluding one of your player bases in regards to resources without giving them any chance at all to stop being excluded.

please let give steam users a one time chance to have their save moved from the steam servers to the mobile servers.

or please give us a daily bonus equal to half of what the mobile users make on average from facebook and S.H.I.E.L.D. Signal Intercepts. It wouldn't fix things but would make it better.

in general...
just show steam users some love.