Powered up characters don't always make sense

TobiBlackmore Posts: 52
I feel like a lot of characters that are important to storylines don't get powered up in said story line. I get that which characters are powered up are determined by week and not necessarily event, but, I mean, DP vs MPQ, and Deadpool is not even powered up? Shouldn't some events power up characters that are important to the story as a standard? It did happen in Enemy Of The State in which Wolverine was powered up as soon as he came back to his senses and joined SHIELD again, so why doesn't this happen for most other events?

I also get that it can't always happen that these characters are powered up because some are very recurring. For example, Iron Man would be powered up all the time because he appears in pretty much every season. But from my memory, in Enemy Of The State, Daredevil wasn't powered up and he was a pretty important character in the whole story. Maybe I'm just getting the powered up purpose all wrong, but being able to use characters that are actually fighting in the story makes more sense to me.

Furthermore, I'm okay with, for example, Daken being powered up during a PvE event, but it sucks when I actually have to face Daken and can't even use him, especially during a Dark Avengers invested event. In those I'd only be able to use them half of the time which is a bit of a let down. I feel like it would be better to either not power them up at all or allow clones, which are allowed in PvP as well (which in PvE it wouldn't make as much sense).