Please Change the Leaderboard/Rewards Screen back

jimilinho_ Posts: 292
As the title suggests.

It's just ugly and cheap looking now, to the point where it's hurting my eyes. Please return it to its original state or offer is the choice in the settings to view the old or new version.


  • Plastic
    Plastic Posts: 762 Critical Contributor
    Agreed. Looks terrible. Devs, set up a poll or something and see if anybody actually likes it. Interact with your community ffs.
  • Plastic wrote:
    Agreed. Looks terrible. Devs, set up a poll or something and see if anybody actually likes it. Interact with your community ffs.

    The only interaction I think I've seen is of locking topics, deleting posts, sending warnings and banning users.

    Not one of those is a positive thing!
  • Most of the ui in the game is horrible. Both visually and usability. It's very clear that they either do not have any designer for that ui or that is an untalented hack.

    UI design was a small part of my computer science studies over a decade ago, and even I could do better.

    It's just buttons, different sized, randomly spread out. Compare that to something like the UI of mabinogi duel. It's like night and day. To be honest nothing in this game really feels like it's done by professional developers, more like first-timers releasing their first beta. Considering the MtG license it just feels strange to me.
  • Ste
    Ste Posts: 24
    While I abhor my fellow forumite's use of words such as 'ugly', 'horrible', and 'ffs', I too would as neutrally as possible request that you undo all the work work your fabled UI/UX team have rather fruitlesslessly toiled away on over the past few weeks, and put it back how it was. Smiley face!
  • Avacyn
    Avacyn Posts: 89 Match Maker
    It needs more work. as of now it looks unprofessional.

    when you enter the event right under the nods. that bar looks cramped and hard to navigate on my phone.

    on my iPad in the rewards tap, the text is floating away and the light blue rectangle is separated from the square. whereas on my iphone everything is together. but the light blue rectangle is slightly higher than the blue square.

    the "your rank" and "top rank" in the leaderboard tap could use some separation. they sit on the same color bar. it can be easily overlooked.
    and the boxes could use some gradient, like how you have it on all your buttons.
  • Ohboy
    Ohboy Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards

    This ui update added nothing of value, and was a fix to something already working properly.
  • Mainloop25
    Mainloop25 Posts: 1,967 Chairperson of the Boards
    There was nothing wrong with the old UI, and it functions worse now. Please revert back to the previous version.
  • Steeme
    Steeme Posts: 784 Critical Contributor
    They may be making room or moving things around for more features being added in the future, so you can't just "revert everything" in that scenario. However I agree with everyone that it is not as pleasant on the eye as it could be.
  • blacklotus
    blacklotus Posts: 589 Critical Contributor
    I take it blue was chosen because the color has most of the powerful cards in mtgPQ.
  • MaxMagic420
    MaxMagic420 Posts: 126 Tile Toppler
    Ohboy wrote:

    This ui update added nothing of value, and was a fix to something already working properly.

    And how many hours did they spend working on this unnecessary change, while actual bugs and issues remain unaddressed? What a great waste of time, congrats. And they reverted the game speed back to molasses. That speed improvement was by far the best change they'd made in a long time, it made a lot of unhappy players happy again, then they change it back without warning or explanation. Are they trying to kill the game? If so, they're doing a superb job. Their player base already doesn't trust them, there is no faith in their ability to run the game smoothly or fix anything without breaking something else, and whenever they pull a stunt like this it just reinforces that overall feeling. They charge obscene prices for barren dupe-filled boxes, they have servers that apparently run on oil and steam, and they absolutely refuse to communicate or interact with their community at all. It might take another year or two, if they're lucky, but if they continue doing things the way they have been, they will be just another dead FTP that made the same mistakes over and over and had to close up shop. I hope the people at d3/hibernum realize they have to include their experience with MTG:PQ on their resume, and any potential employer is going to research this game. Upon reading about all the constant bugs, server crashes, community frustration and suggestions ignored, that potential employer will send your resume directly to the document shredder. I know I sure would.
    Edit: not insulting anybody, just stating my opinion.