How many covers do you have?

MarkersMake Posts: 392 Mover and Shaker
edited November 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
Just curious to see how many covers people are sitting on for various reasons (no roster slots available, need to champion that character to use it, holding it to use for DDQ, etc).

As a 3* player, I find I'm somewhere in the mid 20s-30s usually. Before I got my 2* farm started, 40-45 was common though. I usually don't sell covers until they are close to expiring (24h or less) - you never know when you'll pull the 1000hp from DDQ, and be able to roster one.

So how about it? How many covers do you have all queued up with no place to go? Feel free to post your reasons if I haven't listed them above, too.
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  • Berserk_Al
    Berserk_Al Posts: 411 Mover and Shaker
    Currently I have almost 70 covers. Three are to be rostered (Beast), and the rest are all of 2stars (except the five characters I have rostered).
  • carrion_pigeons
    carrion_pigeons Posts: 942 Critical Contributor
    I currently have 10 in my queue but that's way more than normal for me. 6 of them are 2* Storms that I will use soon once I get her back up to champ level, but my Iso is being used on other priorities at the moment. The only one in my queue I'm actually worried about is a Spider-Woman cover I don't necessarily have a spot for, but if worst comes to worst I'll just sell off my 1* Storm to make room.

    I don't generally hang onto covers unless I have a plan for them. I'd much rather just have the Iso. The 1% of times when a miracle happens don't factor in much for me.
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    20-40 on average.

    Mostly 2 stars I don't have rostered and can't farm until I can add a new roster spot or sell off a 144 2 star.

    1 stars automatic sell though.
  • revskip
    revskip Posts: 1,005 Chairperson of the Boards
    Usually between 5-10.

    Right now I have 5, four 3* Blade covers that I'm holding because I have him at level 182 and am hoping they realign him to give 4* Blade covers this offseason and one 4* Punisher that I have at 5 covers that will most likely get sold for ISO unless I magically draw a couple of missing covers.

    I'm in the weird position right now of having all 2*s and 3*s champed and one 4* champed but no others with max covers so for the first time since I began champing the 2*s I have a large ISO surplus in anticipation of whichever 4* I cover max next.
  • Azoth658
    Azoth658 Posts: 348 Mover and Shaker
    Unless it's a cover required for champing I'm always bringing my queue down to 0 having the little number on the screen bugs me otherwise.
  • drag0n41
    drag0n41 Posts: 86 Match Maker
    I have 11 4 star.png in my cover queue. 6 of them it is 6 of a specific color that I do not have maxed and 5 for characters cover maxed but not enough ISO to champion.

    Maxed not champed
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    Normally have about 13 or so...

    But with No Pull November, I'm sitting at 0 in my queue.

    Had a KingPin, a Doc Strange and 6 Spiderman's this weekend... but rostered Doc Strange, Champed King Pin, and champed Spiderman... so all my covers are currently used up.

    Only have 3* Strange as my only under-covered and non-champed 3*.

    Selling 1* or applying 2*-4* covers that come as rewards as soon as I get them.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    4 right now. As soon as I can get another 4k, 2 of these will be applied as champion levels.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    Right now I have 4. Spidergwen, TaH, falcap, and starlord. I pulled all from non legendary tokens as I was restocking my 2* farm so now I am waiting to see if I can champion 1 of them probably starlord or TaH. Once I get to 300k ISO I might pull my LT I have 6 pending and 542 CP. The itch might be too much not to scratch. As someone who is mainly focused on 5* it feels like the right move... maybe
  • Punter1
    Punter1 Posts: 728 Critical Contributor
    9 just now

    4 Bagman - think the game is telling me to roster him, getting a couple a week in LRs just now
    XFW and Fury - I've no 4* champed and of course I pull the only useless colours
    2 5pider & a Wasp - waiting for HP and roster space
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    currently 5. only because I'm doing the no pull November. if I'm opening tokens that number will be 10-20. currently cho, falcap, fury, spidergwen, and 2storm. 2storm because my planted storm in my farm is 2/5/1 and I keep getting blues. cycling grinds to a halt when you hoard.
  • Spiritclaw
    Spiritclaw Posts: 397 Mover and Shaker
    I have 5 2* Hawkeye covers that I'm considering using. I already have a max-champed 2* hawkeye, but if something doesn't come along to compete for the roster slot, I'll start in on a second Hawkeye for the HP and 3* Iron Man covers.
  • Marty17
    Marty17 Posts: 503 Critical Contributor
    I have none as I sell star.png & star.pngstar.png for iso8.png & all star.pngstar.pngstar.png I can add onto my Champions (except drstrange_icon.png). I normally keep my star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png until near enough expiration if it's a duplicate cover that I already maxxed before selling. However if I suspect that I won't get the cover colour I need or enough iso8.png to level/Champion a character within 2wks, I pretty much sell the duplicate cover quite early to avoid an eyesore. Like star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.pngicon_ironman.png I already have 5 of his redflag.png & 5 of his blackflag.png & 2 of his blueflag.png, I had the duplicates of his redflag.png & blackflag.png & I knew that I won't able to obtain a blueflag.png & accumulate enough iso8.png to max level & champion him in a fortnights time.
  • Natsufan01
    Natsufan01 Posts: 259 Mover and Shaker
    My goal is always 0. To that end I currently have 17 so I can save up and champ the last few 2*. That way I can use nearly every cover I get and I won't have to decide if I want to keep it or not
  • El Satanno
    El Satanno Posts: 1,005 Chairperson of the Boards
    Currently about 30, so that's what I voted. I generally only have covers in queue when I'm not rebuilding 2* champs for the farm or getting backlogged while racing a 14th cover from a 4*.
  • Magic
    Magic Posts: 1,199 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ever since I got my 2* farm operational the goal is to have 0. Unfortunately I have 7 as I got to open my hoard of tokens in search of Dr Strange and I don't have ISO to champ all the 4* that resulted from the pulls. So for the next 12 days it's going to be 7 but then hopefully back to 0.

    I still remember the annoying time when I always had 8 2* in the queue for when they are essential in PvE. Not anymore (and I recommend it icon_e_smile.gif).
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    I normally have fewer than 5. I try and maximize when I pull things so I don't have things lingering out there. For example my 2* farm has been ravished and needs to be rebuilt so I'm not opening any LTs, ETs, or HTs until I get most of them rechamped. If I get 2* randomly I'm instantly selling them as I know I won't have the ISO to champion 2* until I get my final 2 3* champed. I'm at the point where I might finally start saving random 2*, but not quite there yet.

    Also I'm someone who isn't seriously addressing 4 & 5*s yet, this may change drastically in a month or so when I start joining that larger world.