Compendium of PVE Threads

rainkingucd Posts: 1,477 Chairperson of the Boards
Update 2017-Jan-02: Completed! All events now included, all new character launches also included.
Update 2016-Nov-28: Added New Character Event Section
Update 2016-Nov-23: List now includes New Character Release events when known. Also includes Prodigal Sun.

Welcome everyone to the Compendium of PVE Threads. I noticed the fantastic work Moon Roach and jojeda654 have done on the PVE and Crash compendiums, with detailed links and whatnot of all the events and discussions and figured we needed the same for PVEs. notamutant's Compendium of PvEs is a great look at the story behind the PvE's, and mags1587 PVE Format Guide is also a great PVE resource (although not getting much love anymore), but we don't have a resource with links to all PVE event threads, so here it is.

Special thanks to lukewin and his previous version of this overview. Extremely helpful to track down the missing threads (which links to darkmagearcanis' original version).

Additionally, special thanks to Pylgrim, aesthetocyst, and Quebbster. Pylgrim's Character Compendium was an invaluable resource to find character histories and release events. aesthetocyst's work here finding character release periods, and Quebbster's follow up work helped me pin down when character's came out and find their threads.

I know there are a lot of 2013 / 2014 missing threads (I'm hoping to find them all eventually), but for now, here's the below. Feedback welcome, always looking to improve. If you have info I'm missing, send it on and I'll include it.
  • [anchor=PVE_Index]Index[/anchor]
    • [goto=PVE_Alpha]Alphabetical Order[/goto]
      • [goto=PVE_Amadeus]Amadeus Inferno[/goto]
      • [goto=PVE_AvU]Avengers vs Ultron[/goto]
      • [goto=PVE_BossRush]Boss Rush[/goto]
      • [goto=PVE_CWTC]Civil War - Team Cap[/goto]
      • [goto=PVE_CWTI]Civil War - Team Iron Man[/goto]
      • [goto=PVE_DPMPQ]Deadpool vs MPQ[/goto]
      • [goto=PVE_EotS]Enemy of the State[/goto]
      • [goto=PVE_GH]Galactus Hungers[/goto]
      • [goto=PVE_GI]Growth Industry[/goto]
      • [goto=PVE_HoD]Hearts of Darkness[/goto]
      • [goto=PVE_HDA]Heroic - Dark Avengers[/goto]
      • [goto=PVE_HJ]Heroic - Juggernaut[/goto]
      • [goto=PVE_HO]Heroic - Oscorp[/goto]
      • [goto=PVE_HV]Heroic - Venom[/goto]
      • [goto=PVE_IB]ISO-8 Brotherhood[/goto]
      • [goto=PVE_MRG]Meet Rocket and Groot[/goto]
      • [goto=PVE_PS]Prodigal Sun[/goto]
      • [goto=PVE_SIM]Simulator[/goto]
      • [goto=PVE_StSi]Strange Sights[/goto]
      • [goto=PVE_Gaunt]The Gauntlet[/goto]
      • [goto=PVE_Hulk]The Hulk[/goto]
      • [goto=PVE_Hunt]The Hunt[/goto]
      • [goto=PVE_TaT]Thick as Thieves[/goto]
      • [goto=PVE_UISO]Unstable ISO-8[/goto]
      • [goto=PVE_VB]Venom Bomb[/goto]
      • [goto=PVE_WW]Webbed Wonder[/goto]
    • [goto=PVE_Chrono]Chronological Order[/goto]
      • [goto=PVE_2013]2013[/goto]
      • [goto=PVE_2014]2014[/goto]
      • [goto=PVE_2015]2015[/goto]
      • [goto=PVE_2016]2016[/goto]
      • [goto=PVE_2017]2017[/goto]
    • [goto=PVE_New]New Character Release[/goto]
      • [goto=PVE_NewAlpha]Alphabetical[/goto]
      • [goto=PVE_NewChrono]Chronological[/goto]
  • Alphabetical Order[/anchor]
  • Chronological Order[/anchor]
    • [anchor=PVE_2013]2013[/anchor]
      • 2013-10-24 - Unstable ISO-8 - New Character Release Event - icon_ironman.png Model 40 star.pngstar.pngstar.png
      • 2013-11-14 - Heroic: Juggernaut
      • 2013-11-23 - Heroic: Venom
      • 2013-11-27 - Unstable ISO-8 - New Character Release Event - icon_invisiblewoman.png Classic star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png
      • 2013-12-05 - The Hunt - New Character Release Event - icon_punisher.png Dark Reign star.pngstar.pngstar.png
      • 2013-12-20 - The Hulk - New Character Release Event - icon_hulk.png Indestructible star.pngstar.pngstar.png
      • 2013-12-28 (No Thread) - The Hulk
    • [anchor=PVE_2014]2014[/anchor]
      • 2014-01-10 - The Hunt - New Character Release Event - icon_ares.png Dark Avengers star.pngstar.png
      • 2014-01-24 - Thick as Thieves - New Character Release Event - icon_daredevil.png Man Without Fear star.pnguplo


  • Moon Roach
    Moon Roach Posts: 2,863 Chairperson of the Boards
    It might be interesting, at least in the chronological listing, to include any character that was released in the event.

    And as usual you're back in my "reputation too soon" list, so I'd appreciate it if someone could thumb-up on my behalf.
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    You're missing Prodigal Sun icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • rainkingucd
    rainkingucd Posts: 1,477 Chairperson of the Boards
    You're missing Prodigal Sun icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Shhhhhh. You weren't supposed to notice......
  • rainkingucd
    rainkingucd Posts: 1,477 Chairperson of the Boards
    Moon Roach wrote:
    It might be interesting, at least in the chronological listing, to include any character that was released in the event.

    And as usual you're back in my "reputation too soon" list, so I'd appreciate it if someone could thumb-up on my behalf.

    You're missing Prodigal Sun icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Also Added!
  • jojeda654
    jojeda654 Posts: 1,162 Chairperson of the Boards
    Moon Roach wrote:
    It might be interesting, at least in the chronological listing, to include any character that was released in the event.

    Wow! This looks like it was a ton of work. I noticed that you were missing the punisher release, so here's the thread: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1116&p=12684

    I'll see if I can find more event threads for the Dec/Jan gap.
  • rainkingucd
    rainkingucd Posts: 1,477 Chairperson of the Boards
    jojeda654 wrote:
    Moon Roach wrote:
    It might be interesting, at least in the chronological listing, to include any character that was released in the event.

    Wow! This looks like it was a ton of work. I noticed that you were missing the punisher release, so here's the thread: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1116&p=12684

    I'll see if I can find more event threads for the Dec/Jan gap.

    Added! And thanks. There are tons of missing threads from 2014, and end of 2013. Figured it was something I'd do slowly over the coming months, digging into the old parts of the forums. Any help is of course welcome icon_e_smile.gif
  • lukewin
    lukewin Posts: 1,356 Chairperson of the Boards
    Here's a link to one I had maintained for a while,
  • cooperbigdaddy
    cooperbigdaddy Posts: 412 Mover and Shaker
    I don't really see a pattern in the order of PVEs (maybe I'm just missing it).

    Do we know what is coming next after Prodigal Sun, and how long it lasts (3 or 4 day)?

    Trying to plan for when to start this one so I can meet progression. (Because of life stuff, I don't always meet top progression)
  • rainkingucd
    rainkingucd Posts: 1,477 Chairperson of the Boards
    Update: Added a section for New Character events.
  • rainkingucd
    rainkingucd Posts: 1,477 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't really see a pattern in the order of PVEs (maybe I'm just missing it).

    Do we know what is coming next after Prodigal Sun, and how long it lasts (3 or 4 day)?

    Trying to plan for when to start this one so I can meet progression. (Because of life stuff, I don't always meet top progression)

    I think it used to be much easier. Once upon a time there was a "guess the next PVE thread" here that essentially tracked events and tried to make the next guess, but that was when the game was almost all Dark Avengers related (Heroics, Unstable, TaT...). With a lot of the PVE revamps it eventually settled on a 7/4/3 pattern over 2 a week window.

    Now though, with all the boss events, gauntlets, specials (Amadeus Inferno, Growth Industry), I have no idea what pattern to expect. Last few months have been only one 7 day event per month, when it used to be every other week.
  • rainkingucd
    rainkingucd Posts: 1,477 Chairperson of the Boards
    Updated: Completed! All events now included, all new character launches also included.

    Some fun facts:

    Only two 5 star.png characters have PVE event releases: icon_captainamerica.pngicon_ironman.png for the first run of Civil War

    Only three 4 star.png characters do not have PVE event releases: icon_wolverine.png (with MPQ Launch), icon_thor.pngicon_devildino.png (both during first anniversary event)

    Many very early character releases were done as part of PVP events, such as star.pngstar.pngstar.pngicon_wolverine.png Patch

    Characters available during MPQ Launch (or very nearly after)




  • rainkingucd
    rainkingucd Posts: 1,477 Chairperson of the Boards
    2 questions for the new forum (let's throw @Brigby to see if this works too):

    This was previously formatted as a list, but it looks like that didn't transition over in the migration.  Any way to automate that or does it need to be rebuilt?

    This, as well as Moon Roach's PVP Compendium, and a few others, were stickied at the top of the events thread (not just as the weekly events were stickied, but permanent).  Is that functionality gone?