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Lady Axe Face
Lady Axe Face Posts: 13 Just Dropped In
I kind of hate the new shield intercept feature. It's cool you reward people for watching ads, but if you're used to tapping through screens fast, it's super easy to accidentally tap on watch the ad when you don't intend to, and then you're trapped watching the ad because there's no way to cancel once you started watching. This is super bad because these are videos, which will add a lot of additional data download, if they're being streamed, which I don't want to use on a limited plan. You should change the location of the button, add a confirmation to watch button, or make watching the ad cancelable.

Also, I noticed that the five star iron man cover was changed to one of Riri Williams, which is cool, but all the text for five star iron man is the same, so it refers to "Tony Stark" and "he/him/his." I imagine the art for the ability Girl Friday also still uses Tony's face. You should update these things to match the new Riri cover.