Enemies making ridiculous amounts of AP

AdamAnt81 Posts: 6 Just Dropped In
Like the post says enemies are just making a ridiculous amount of AP in way to short of a time. It seems like in a lot of matches lately the enemy will have close to 18 or 20 AP in every color in a matter of 2 to 4 moves. It is just getting frustrating. I have spent a lot of time and money on this game to get to a point where I had a roster with a fighting chance and now with the new mechanics it doesn't matter because I'm cheated at every step. If I as a player had even half of the 'luck' that the enemies have in regards to dropped tiles and chained combos this post would not even be here. But when I consistently struggle to get (or keep) a pity little 3 or 4 AP there is a serious problem. Get it together guys.