Army of the 20; any alliance members out there?

edited March 2014 in MPQ Alliances
Hey folks,

I joined Army of the 20, a public alliance, that is doing fairly well. Just wanted to reach out and see if anyone else from our group uses this forum. Seeing as there isn't an in-game mode for communication, perhaps this can serve as a way to share thoughts and tips to improve.



  • Hey, I also am in the army. Have been looking for fellow members and you are the first ive found on here maybe we'll start up a chat.
  • Yeah, I think its good to have a place for the alliance to chat. So anyone else feel free to say hello.

    We are hanging in there in the top 100 for a Patch card in the Lord of Thunder rankings. I have been playing often and am curious if all 20 of us are active, to see how much room for improvement we have. Results have been pretty good considering what seems like a lack of any organized effort, lol.

    Good luck team!
  • Glad to see we ended well in the thor event. Seems as though we have some inactive players in the alliance, as I held about 1/4 of the alliance total score in the event I had about 800 at the end. I know both Alicrossing and I are active everyday working on the events but some of the lower end are either not helping much or playing.
  • bump......
  • I am also in the alliance. C: