Steam linking

Jman6444 Posts: 5
With all of the ways that Steam members keep getting stiffed I think it would be a good thing for the health of the game to consider account linking (apparently it used to exist). With the recent addition of SHIELD interception, there's a pretty good chance I'm missing out on thousands of ISO or HP, not to mention the sprinkled in CP. Personally I love this game, and I could've overlooked the minor Facebook rewards you can get, but now that you can easily get those 20x a day just by playing, it feels like you're overlooking a decent chunk of your player base (including me) and basically saying "You made a bad decision by making an account somewhere other than mobile". I think an easy-ish way to fix this is to get account linking back up and running for those of us on Steam. Or maybe give us some sort of other bonus, because at this point it seems like a fairly large chunk of the Steam players are upset given we get nothing for our support to the game (I personally have spent a ton on this game). icon_mad.gificon_cry.gif