Improper roster fraction blues

Insert25c Posts: 48 Just Dropped In
Ever since Cho's last event and the weird roster issues that caused, nothing had been done to fix it. Even buying a spot to roster more characters kept a roster count of x+1/x

Today I got my first OML cover and wanted to get him in my pool, but didn't have the Hero Points. So I sold off a 2* to make room. But that didn't work. Instead my roster count went back to x/x and I can't roster OML....

Why hasn't this been addressed in the numerous updates since the issue was originally brought up.

Do I have any hope of seeing some resolution in a timely (before OML expires) manner?


  • professorplum9
    professorplum9 Posts: 133 Tile Toppler
    When Cho automatically rostered you got a slot for free. There's really nothing to fix.
  • Bloody_Marvel
    Bloody_Marvel Posts: 209 Tile Toppler
    Actually you got one character more than you had slots available.

    If you decide to keep the extra character then the first slot you buy corrects that issue. If you want to roster an extra character that means you'll need to purchase an extra slot again.

    If you decided to sell the extra cover that would also have corrected the issue and the bug actually awarded you an extra 1000 Iso-8.

    Apparently you thought that you had a free slot, and that's just not the case. The issue has been corrected long ago.
  • Crnch73
    Crnch73 Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
    you have to sell the extra Cho that accidentally was added to your roster. Unless that's your only Cho, in which case you were "gifted" a free roster spot just for right now. If you decide to buy a roster slot, all that does is "fix" the issue.

    For example, let's say you have a Cho on your roster, and you have 100 characters. Then, you got the extra Cho, added to the roster immediately. Now you are at 101/100 for roster spots. You either sell the extra Cho (which they compensated us all for), and now your roster is back to 100/100... or you buy a roster spot, and now your roster is 101/101. Either way, you have an extra Cho sitting around. Sell that, and you are golden. Other posters are correct, this has been fixed for a while now.