An Update On Strange Sights Token Issues

David [Hi-Fi] Moore
David [Hi-Fi] Moore Posts: 2,872 Site Admin

Here's an update from the dev team regarding an issue affecting some Strange Sights event tokens:
    "We discovered an issue where players received tokens for the Strange Sights vaults (Orb of Agamotto, Book of the Vishanti, and Wand of the Watoomb) and were unable to redeem them. After today’s daily patch, those tokens will be available to use again until the vault expires. If you do not or are not able to spend this token before 1:00 AM EST November 8, you will lose the opportunity to redeem that token. In the coming days, we will be crediting the value of the token back to you (350 Hero Points). If you encountered this issue on multiple vaults, you will receive this credit for each vault that was affected."

Thank you.
