Is the problem with 5* scaling really scaling?



  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    5* players don't dominate pve per se. The only players that dominate are the ones willing to do 6+ clears per day. You don't have to be a 5* player to do numerous clears. You just have to be someone with a good enough roster to beat all of the nodes.
  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,495 Chairperson of the Boards
    Vhailorx wrote:

    This kind of post leaves me with a lot less sympathy for 5* players. It basically reads as: we already completely dominate LRs and PVP, but 6 months ago we also dominated pve; now we can only finish top 50 ajd have trouble making top 10!

    I can absolutely believe that 5* isn't as enjoyable (especially when players are forced to use just a few characters over and over again). Thats a problem that demi/d3 should fix.

    But the i am much less thrilled about the idea that 5*s have some moral right to absolutely dominate all game modes. Improving your roster absolutely should improve your game experience. But the game will suck for everyone if 5*s are just an instant win button that costs several thousand $.

    The point of my post is to realistically and honestly show where players have the opportunity to progress and develop their roster.

    There are effectively 5 avenues to acquire resources in this game and top players need to effectively leverage all of those opportunities

    1. LRs
    2. PVP
    3. PVE
    4. buy club/vip/ in game purchase
    5. champion levels.

    If you want to improve your roster relative to the top 250 players in this game you need to out perform them in a majority of those avenues.

    The part that people really neglect and fail to understand how rewards have really shifted around these various modes. People who diligently focused on filling out their 3* and 4* tiers are now being rewarded by a consistent hp/cp stream that easily compares to a 25cp/pvp event. (31 4* champed with 10 over 300, all 3* champed with 90% over 200)

    You complaint is that 5* players think they have a moral right to dominate the game modes. In the contrary. the 5* trophy really just means those players have locked into a progression strategy and accomplished a very visible milestone that other people notice.

    Ultimately, what I want and what I think every player wants is a consistent and transparent roadmap so that players can make game decisions that aren't arbitrarily obsoleted because a developer forgot to check an event scrip to see if community scaling got turned on, or if its correctly paying double iso etc..
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    Vhailorx wrote:

    This kind of post leaves me with a lot less sympathy for 5* players. It basically reads as: we already completely dominate LRs and PVP, but 6 months ago we also dominated pve; now we can only finish top 50 ajd have trouble making top 10!

    I can absolutely believe that 5* isn't as enjoyable (especially when players are forced to use just a few characters over and over again). Thats a problem that demi/d3 should fix.

    But the i am much less thrilled about the idea that 5*s have some moral right to absolutely dominate all game modes. Improving your roster absolutely should improve your game experience. But the game will suck for everyone if 5*s are just an instant win button that costs several thousand $.

    PvP was designed so strong rosters have the upper hand. Higher level is always preferred.
    PvE was designed so all rosters can more or less compete with the same chances (it makes a difference if you have a wide roster, more than its level).

    These were the design goals. You can agree with them or not, but those are the principles of the game.

    Right now PvE is broken, 5 rosters have MORE difficulties than other rosters, and not just because the roster is not as wide (which was your suggestion in the thread).

    I don't want PvE to be easier than for other people, I want it to be the same difficulty than for other normal rosters (not soft-capped).

    And it is not a matter of sympathy, ask yourself, what is the point of playing this game if you don't improve by getting more stronger chars. You will play with your 4s for a while, then you will get tired of them, and that's it, the end of the game, no point in going to 5 land (which is the current situation). This situation is not good for Devs AT ALL. Let's made the situation more exaggerated, imagine that it was 3s rosters the best ones for PvE. So, do you want to keep playing this game in the future?

    PS: Obviously when the max level in PvE was 340 or so, it was easier for 5 teams (it was also easier for 4 teams, but 5s had the best times). We are not saying that we want to go back to that. But if the max difficulty level for 450 avg level right now is 430, probably it needs to go down a bit, to 410-415 or so.
  • wanghiking
    wanghiking Posts: 24 Just Dropped In
    Yes, totally agree with Polares.

    Why softcapping since the drive of the game is to have a best possible roster?
  • Shinigami
    Shinigami Posts: 11 Just Dropped In
    When they decided Juggs was deemed too powerful when he was scaled up, they nerfed the damage at the top end but kept the health didn't they? What if you similarly keep the health scaling (or possibly tweak that down a bit as well?) but keep the damage relatively flat?
  • mpqq
    mpqq Posts: 16 Just Dropped In
    The top 10 of pre-SCL8 and current SCL8 events consists of some 5* players and the rest 4* players. 0 softcappers... They finish their 4x grind and 3x grind within an hour each. Do you think those 5* players have trouble with scaling?

    Devs, you better start nerfing 4*'s. Give those 3*'s another round of nerfs. Nerf everyone but 5* stars. Only buff 5*'s from here on out. Then lockout everyone but 5* players from PVE. Wow, problem solved.
  • TLCstormz
    TLCstormz Posts: 1,668
    Why is this even still a topic of discussion after all of this time??????? lol

    This all is completely and clearly a scaling issue.

    And they are most certainly NOT going to fix it, because you all cannot stop spending MONEY on it.

    And the worst part about all of this is that for days and weeks and so much time before Silver Surfer came out, you all were begging and pleading with them to NOT do this because we would end up in the EXACT situation that we are in right now.

    And they, of course, turned a blind and greedy eye to you're pleas.

    But......seriously......why are you all STILL debating this? lol. That's even more silly than so many of you spending the money / time and energy to acquire the 5s, in the first place..........