Strange Sights Good and Bad



  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    I didn't get anything good from all those alliance sub event tokens, but it sure was nice anyway.

    I really liked the new goons. Well designed, difficult, but not annoyingly so.

    The "ending" was disappointing.
  • revskip
    revskip Posts: 1,005 Chairperson of the Boards
    The Good:

    New story - always a plus.

    Loaner nodes with 5* Strange - always nice to be able to test drive something I won't own for a very long time.

    New goons - had interesting synergy with existing goons without being super over powered.

    Lots of event tokens - seriously I think I earned nearly 30 tokens over 3 days. That is a great amount of pulls.

    Item vaults - I don't really get the animus towards the vaults. You were guaranteed a 10% shot at a 4*, legendary token or the brand new 3* and all that for free. That's 30% of the vault that was pretty sweet. Sure if you are someone who is routinely spending HP to clear out vaults the value wasn't great if you didn't get one of the 3 excellent rewards since the ISO and HP amounts were bizarrely low but pull for pull you were getting some of the best chances the game ever hands out.

    The Bad:

    Daylight savings time - Wiped any of my injured characters which would have crippled me for placement had I not recently cleared a taco vault. I had 14 characters (3 essentials, Peggy, IM40, KK, Blade, GSBW, SWitch, PX, QS, Hulk, Patch and Loki) all who I had been using to do my final clear all who still had health when the rollover happened instantly KO'ed. This was also a negative for people who timed their final grind to end at the time the app said it would end although in my case it actually allowed me to get a top 1 finish in that sub as I overtook the #1 and #2 players who had already finished their final grind while I had a couple nodes left to grind to 1.

    Magic items - Had no functional purpose other than to unlock the vault. Would have been nice if they had some synergy that made either the boss easier (although he was pretty simple to deal with at my scaling) or the subsequent sub easier.

    Story end - Hopefully they are just cliff-hanging it for a second event featuring Strange and Kaecilius.
  • snlf25
    snlf25 Posts: 947 Critical Contributor
    metallion wrote:
    It was overall a pretty decent event, new boss type that's not unbeatable, pick your own path was pretty cool, and new goons, while irritating if their special tile falls in the corner, are not symbiote-level irritating.

    Unfortunately though, whoever thought throwing Kingpin with 2 Bk/Y feeders was a good idea is totally out of his mind.

    No doubt. My Goddess was getting poked so many times she felt like she was trapped in a locker room with Donald Trump. icon_e_sad.gif
  • Tatercat
    Tatercat Posts: 930 Critical Contributor
    Overall I liked it, good new addition to the rotation.

    - New story, new format with the three subs you could play in any order.
    - Boss fight with a neat twist/puzzle aspect to it. I like ones that make you think differently and show off how some even lower tier characters (Quicksilver & Elektra) can be essential in some situations. Even better, you’re not missing out on an essential reward (Strange cover) if you can’t beat it. If you couldn’t beat it, it didn’t really hurt your chances at getting the new character(s).
    - New goons that were a reasonable threat. Big health with deadly buffs and AOE damage, but nothing frustration if you use the usual stun/control/one-shot tactics. A challenge without being unfair.
    -Surprising generous with token rewards, especially if you were in an alliance and three small vaults.
    -Scaling seemed fair to me and my roster. Wiped a few times on the hard node/4*essential for those 5th & 6th clears but those are supposed to be the difficult nodes. I’m not relying on 5*’s tho (and after reading these boards the last few days, I may never transition).
    - Strange finally! Oh that yellow...

    - The daylight savings change. Come on, how is this still happening after 3 years? Didn’t hurt me in slice one, but it screwed over a lot of my alliance mates.
    - 500 iso in the vault. I think I’d rather have a 2*, at least then I’d have a chance at more with champ rewards.
    - As others have noted. They forgot to write an ending to the actual story. When I beat Kaecillis on the third day, Strange just said he had to get more artifacts while Kaecillis taunted him again, repeating what I’m sure was the script for people who played the Vishanti node the first day (those very very smart people who got the sentries out of the way on the first day). I know most people just skip through the story, but for the first time through, I’d like some resolution to the larger storyline. This wasn’t exactly “Dormammu, I've come to bargain.”

    Improvements for the future
    - An ending, even if it’s just Kaecillis saying “I’m going back to my home planet now” (and died along the way.)
    - Boost different characters for each of the 3 different dubs, like how reinforcements are in the Heroics. With Mr Fantastic, or Daredevil, or Luke Cage showing up heavily in the stories for each, they’d be natural picks for boosts in that sub only.
  • Crnch73
    Crnch73 Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
    I enjoyed that they did something new that didn't seem unfair. The "story" part was weird, only because choosing path A, B or C in any order meant nothing. I think if you beat door A, you should get some sort of ability, either for the rest of the event or against the boss. This would only further the idea of "choose your own adventure" as well as an actual puzzle.

    I actually enjoyed the boss. The only gripe I had was that he sometimes waited so long to throw out strike tiles (granted, it was because I also wanted purples to feed Elektra) that he had my team down to 2/3 health each by the time I could even do damage. Overall, I enjoyed the puzzle part here.

    the vaults were rough, and that is coming from someone who did rather well there. I pulled a token, 500 ISO, and a 4* cover, then I bought one more pull at the vault where I got the 500 ISO and pulled out another 4*. So I did extremely well with the vaults, but still thought they were a rough development.

    At some point, I would love event tokens to be more than just heroic tokens skewed towards specific related characters. I probably pull 2* covers from heroics, events, and elites 99% of the time. I actually pull 2* covers from standard tokens more often than I pull anything higher than 2* in the other tokens. I enjoy the 2* farming, so this is not a huge deal, but overall I feel like at some point, they have to address this. Maybe if you are above a certain shield rank level, the odds of a token pulling the bare minimum should decrease. I am only level 58, but I can tell you that I don't care about most token pulls these days.
  • CNash
    CNash Posts: 952 Critical Contributor
    I think that we were deliberately given boosted characters who handle special tiles particularly well, like Bullseye, Falcon and Moonstone. I'd like to see the reaction to this event with a less specialised set of boosted characters.

    Like most others, I lament the lack of a proper ending. Reusing the "must find more artifacts"/"Oh, to be Sorceror Supreme and to fail" dialogue for the final event was just poor planning, even if they did have the open-ended sub structure to deal with. Perhaps they'll pull an Amadeus's Inferno and produce an epilogue event.
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    The greatest bad was
    Scaling on Ultron Sentries and the continued use of 1 mover 2 feeder goons, Kingpin fed black and yellow? Not fun. Doom fed black? Not horrible, but not fun. Gorgon fed red and purple? Not fun
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    I enjoyed the event for the most part. I would have liked to see a slightly higher drop rate for 3* Strange covers from the Strange Sights tokens. It was weird to cash in over 30 of those and not get a single drop on the new character.

    I would have liked to see SOME resolution of the story instead of the same art after each defeat of Kaecilius.

    I'm on record as saying that I like the Mindless Ones much more than the Hand or the Ultron Sentries, though, so that's a plus.

    And I went into the event hoping to walk away with the 3* Strange and ended up not only getting three placement covers for him, but also two 5* Strange covers from three pulls. Obviously that kind of good fortune is extremely personal/limited, so I can't chalk that up to the event per se, but I can't deny that it contributes to my overall good feeling about the event.

    I think this is going to be the first time I'll have finished the subsequent PVE with already 5 covers for a new release character. Yeah, yeah, it's "only" a 3*, but that's still nice.
  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    metallion wrote:
    Unfortunately though, whoever thought throwing Kingpin with 2 Bk/Y feeders was a good idea is totally out of his mind.

    Especially when said node was for a 2* required character with one of the lowest health pools.
  • SummerGlau
    SummerGlau Posts: 1,027 Chairperson of the Boards
    Good 16 Event Tokens from Alliance Rewards
    New Enemy to annoy me
    A new three star with a fun passive that should be a real goon killer (no goons in Deadpool vs heroes though)

    bad no ending
    cheesy vaults (although I did Complete the Mr Fantastic Power Trifecta)
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    The event was fun. The boss fight really wasn't though. Hated that it came down to me using hulkfinite all three times to beat him.

    LOVED all of the tokens and that's how rewards should be given. The odds favor two stars anyways, so make it rain tokens on players. Tokens and leveling up characters is what keeps us playing and even buying. Like deadpool is an 80 item vault, but the tokens earned are so few.

    HATED the 10 item vaults. I got lucky with one LT, 200HP, and zonked with 500iso. But HP tolen pulls were not worth the chance of getting 500 iso in return.

    For rewards, this really should have just made a special 80 item vault.

    And really like 3 star Strange. Only have 5 covers so far, so hope he gets odds bumped up in pull rates for everything.

    Honestly, I would love to see more 2 and 3 stars character return, but 5 star ruined the meta.
  • Kevin61
    Kevin61 Posts: 256 Mover and Shaker
    Ok, so I'll throw in my 2 cents.

    Really liked the new story line. I didn't get to do as many clears as I would have liked because of real life but managed to squeak in at 197 individually for the purple and yellow Strange covers.

    Yes, the scaling was a bit of a hassle but I don't mind losing once in a while. Otherwise it just becomes boring.

    And yes, the vaults really sucked. Okay, so each one had a different color Strange cover which was nice but 350 HP for a 10% chance? Not worth it.