Star-Lord's 'Everyone With Me' still applying after match.

elusive Posts: 261 Mover and Shaker
Sorry for the somewhat unclear title, as there's a limit on how much I can put in it. Anyway, I was just doing the X-23 node in Deadpool vs. MPQ and matched away Star-Lord's yellow tile in an attempt to keep Kamela from firing off her Embiggened Bash with only 10 green. Stupidly enough, she still used it during her next turn, even though there were no more yellow countdowns on the board and she shouldn't have been able to use it (the power window even said she needed 12 right after she used it). Call me grumpy, but I'm a little pissed that my entire team just took a ton of damage because the developers continue to be unable to properly program this game.

Edit: I want to note that it happened again later in the exact same match, except this time it was with Vision's yellow, as he fired it with only 3 AP the turn immediately following my matching away of Star-Lord's countdown. Why has no one else pointed this out yet?


  • bigsmooth
    bigsmooth Posts: 375 Mover and Shaker
    I think there is still something wrong with the order of operations in regards to "Everyone With Me".

    During the Drax Crash of the Titans, I was very closely monitoring Star-Lord's supply of red AP to avoid getting punched by his "Oldest Trick in the Book" power (it requires 8 red AP).
    On one occasion, his yellow countdown tile expired at the beginning of his turn, so it was no longer on the board. However, he subsequently used his red power, despite only having 6 red AP.

    I am 100% certain he only had 6 AP, and he would not have had any way to generate more before using the power. For some reason, Everyone With Me was still in effect after it expired.
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    Don't forget that when Everyone With Me expires Star-Lord's team gains 1-3 AP (depending on number of covers) in a random color. OP specified the tile being matched away, but if the tile expires on its own, that's different.
  • bigsmooth
    bigsmooth Posts: 375 Mover and Shaker
    Don't forget that when Everyone With Me expires Star-Lord's team gains 1-3 AP (depending on number of covers) in a random color. OP specified the tile being matched away, but if the tile expires on its own, that's different.
    Ah - that's probably what happened in my case. Not sure about OP. Thanks.