Enemy Of The State Rewards Update

David [Hi-Fi] Moore
David [Hi-Fi] Moore Posts: 2,872 Site Admin
edited November 2016 in MPQ News and Announcements
Hi, everyone.

Here's an update from Demiurge regarding progression rewards for the Enemy of the State event:
    "The score to achieve the top three progression rewards for the Enemy of the State Story event that started on October 27 was set higher than what we want them to be. The rewards required scores that were higher than four clears of each normal mission. We have reduced the scores required to achieve the top three progression rewards for future runs of the event. Players that scored high enough to receive these rewards on this run of the event will receive the Iso-8, Tokens, and Command Points they would have received later today. Players who achieved a score higher than the current top progression reward will receive an extra Enemy of the State Vault token. We thank everyone who participated in the event and appreciate the feedback we received."

Thank you.