Stop making new characters if you cant fix the game.

BassMuffinFIve Posts: 231
Dear D3/Demi,

Please stop releasing a new character every 2 weeks until you can fix/test your tinykitty game. Please, for the love of God, divert those precious resources to making sure your game is tested and bug-free. Heck, maybe even budget some of that money to communication as well?

Current screw-ups:

Devil Dinosaur event no iso

Boss Rush...

Enemy of the State max progression virtually unattainable, no communication

DDQ Professor X fight bugged, taking damage while invisible

I have 3 tickets in right now. Is it too much to ask to go through one week without some horrible screw up on your end? I feel like that is not asking a lot...


  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    Other unacknowledged bugs/gameplay issues:
    All powers treated as AOE for purpose of checking reactive abilities.
    3* Deadpool mega whales don't work.
    People who were locked out of Venom Bomb by server errors haven't received compensation.
    Tile creation/destruction animations play out of order.
    "Strongest color" random selection not matching power descriptions (yes, this is still unacknowledged).
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    I support this petition.

    After Strange, it is REALLY important to fix all the bugs and have a game that can be correctly played. The list of bugs is long, and the only thing that will happen if not fixed is that people will abandon the game. I don't remember in my 3 years having so many bugs as we have right now, ever. And knowing that invisibility is not working correctly, not changing the order of DDQ4 has been really silly.
  • Dartmaster01
    Dartmaster01 Posts: 634 Critical Contributor
    How many times have we seen one of these posts in three years? I've probably made a few myself. The only thing they are worried about is the bottom line. They don't care about me or you or the gameplay experience, things being broken, our feelings about things being broken, whether we will quit or not. Only the bottom line! To me these things affect the bottom line but they don't see it that way. This has never changed and I do not expect it to. They will just milk the game for whatever they can and then it will die.

    It's all going according to plan:

  • Warbringa
    Warbringa Posts: 1,299 Chairperson of the Boards
    I originally posted this as a new topic but seeing someone basically already posted on a similar topic, I decided to add it here as reply:

    Developers, let me begin by saying your overall changes to the game lately have been good, including clearance levels and increases in iso and character rebalancing. I think the game has been markedly improved over the past few months. All of these things are appreciated by your player base (at least most players). However there are far and away too many bugs recently that have drastically reduced the quality of play. Those of us who have played the game for a while know there has always been bugs, and anyone who plays any games understands there always will be issues but every update seems to be creating worse and worse situations with bugs/glitches. I am not sure of the reason for so many issues, perhaps you are understaffed or perhaps you are focused on the wrong aspects of the game or perhaps the people calling the shots from higher up are telling you what to do and know jack squat (common in many workplaces). Take the most recent bugs....invisible characters (like Prof X) can now be hit by activated powers, meaning many people may not be able to get the leg token from titans this time. That is a big deal and a huge tangible loss to many players. Also take into consideration the point progression target for EoftS, which is abnormally high and I assume must be a bug (because if it isn't...that is even worse) which may cost many players 15 command points. You can review a litany of technical issues with the game from the general discussion, without even looking at the bugs forum alone over the past years. Sometimes you have compensated us for these issues but many times there is no compensation. That fact alone should show you that there have been far too many technical issues that you can't afford to compensate for all of them.

    I think I speak for almost the entire player base when I say we would prefer that you take more time to test updates and new releases before pushing them out, even if it means it takes longer to get them to us. Putting out updates every other week or every week seems to be a losing proposition under the current environment. With every update fix, several more aspects of the game become broken. Please focus more on quality than quantity at this point. You will find that this strategy will reward your game, your profits, the player base and you in the long run. The rushed band-aids won't stop the bleeding.
  • Crnch73
    Crnch73 Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
    In all honesty, if they were to continue making changes that really helped us, and accidentally made mistakes in the process... the customer base would probably be ok with it.

    For instance: If the prof X invisible problem popped up at a time where he wasn't on his crash of titans spot, people would be ok. Even moreso, if this all came to happen because they were introducing SCL9, or improving SCL8, or fixing other bugs, then so be it.

    However, by them only TRULY implementing cash grab updates (new character releases, **** vaults, etc.), which then cause headaches for players, that is unacceptable. The cable guy doesn't come to your house, hit your TV with a hammer, and then hand you the bill and walk out with no words said... that's not how this works.

    Open lines of communication, own your mistakes, try to make things better. That is all I really ask for. I do not need compensation, but I may be unique there because I haven't done enough to earn compensation. the biggest thing I have been hit by right now is the facebook sync issue took away a Squirrel Girl cover that my alliance won in the GR PVP event, no word on that either. Not a huge issue, but I was about to champ her and then use that cover to earn the LT. Opened up a CS ticket, provided countless screen shots, still silent.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    They stop making new characters, the game dies.
    It's as simple as that.

    What they definitely SHOULD do though is bring in more coders because their skeleton crew clearly can't handle the constant new characters AND the maintenance on the code base.

    But nothing has happened in the last 3 years, nothing will happen in the next 3 years unless spending stops.
  • TheXMan
    TheXMan Posts: 170 Tile Toppler
    I think other people have suggested this but there is no reason for bugs to repeat. If they find a bug, create an automated test that reproduces the bug, fix the bug, and then run the test to verify the bug is fixed. Then run all the automated tests before any release. They should have a very thorough set of tests by now. I would understand if new features were bugs but previous bugs should all be covered by automated tests.
  • alphabeta
    alphabeta Posts: 469 Mover and Shaker
    I'll pledge to buy 1 stark salary if the devs pledge to take a month to focus solely on bug fixed and improving the code so it isn't so error prone when they make changes in the future

    A playable game shouldn't be something we have to advocate for on forums and offer bribes to get - someone else said game would die if the new features stopped - I agree but I think it might die sooner if the bugs persists - post cup cakes I've never known player engagement to be lower and then they piled on with Boss Rush - frankly the good has been good but the bad has been truly terrible and 10x larger than the good unfortunately.
  • Redrobot30
    Redrobot30 Posts: 348 Mover and Shaker
    I would double thumbs up the OP if I could...
  • Crnch73
    Crnch73 Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
    alphabeta wrote:
    I'll pledge to buy 1 stark salary if the devs pledge to take a month to focus solely on bug fixed and improving the code so it isn't so error prone when they make changes in the future

    here here! I would do the same, because overall it's still a game I love, but some of these errors feel elementary and avoidable/easy to fix. Also, the lack of ownership of these mistakes is baffling. I write software for a living, albeit for industrial environments, nothing like gaming... but I feel like any one of the mistakes they make weekly would get me fired.
  • pheregas
    pheregas Posts: 1,721 Chairperson of the Boards
    I agree with the sentiments of the above.

    Let's also mention that ways to keep the player base playing also involves CONTENT.

    Make a new PVE. Make a new mode (have a boss of the week - the community gets to beat on him/her all week every 8 hours. If we can beat the opponent, everyone gets a heroic 10-pack or something). Add a 4* DDQ daily.

    Listen to your community here. Some of them have good ideas. All of them are here because they care enough to make the effort. Please invest in your players and we will support you.
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    All day this. I know the old line about how the people who design new chars aren't the same people as the ones who squash bugs, that's fine.

    Fact is, there are more bugs right now than I ever remember in my 2.5 years of playing. The solution may not be "no new characters", maybe it is. I don't know, I hope you do.
  • moss04
    moss04 Posts: 147 Tile Toppler
    Other unacknowledged bugs/gameplay issues:
    People who were locked out of Venom Bomb by server errors haven't received compensation.

    I had a ticket for this with CS, and after several rounds and attempts to escalate, I was told multiple times "we (CS) are unnable to give compensation for issue that affect mutliple people because then we would have to give out compensation to everyone or it wouldn't be fair".

    So, basically we have devs that are unresponsive to these issues insofar as compensation, and then we have CS that believe that it is the dev responsibility. This is absolutely broken. Bugs ruining the game for you? Not our problem.
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,401 Chairperson of the Boards
    Dear D3/Demi,

    Please stop releasing a new character every 2 weeks until you can fix/test your tinykitty game. Please, for the love of God, divert those precious resources to making sure your game is tested and bug-free. Heck, maybe even budget some of that money to communication as well?

    Current screw-ups:

    Devil Dinosaur event no iso

    Boss Rush...

    Enemy of the State max progression virtually unattainable, no communication

    DDQ Professor X fight bugged, taking damage while invisible

    I have 3 tickets in right now. Is it too much to ask to go through one week without some horrible screw up on your end? I feel like that is not asking a lot...

    how can you say State max prog is unataniable at least top 50 in my bracket is over it
  • vinsensual
    vinsensual Posts: 458 Mover and Shaker
    It's unattainable if you just follow the devs' prescribed number of clears to hit CP, 4/6 for normal nodes and 2/4 for wave nodes.