Is it possible to switch between Facebook accounts?

edited November 2013 in MPQ General Discussion
Like if two people wanted to share an iPad or just have two games running? Tried reinstalling MPQ but it seems to be clinging to the FB account I set up with initially (did not ask me for account info).


  • Dninot
    Dninot Posts: 214
    Wouldn't you just need to sign out of FB on that device (completely!) and then sign into a second account?
  • You are right. Worked after I uninstalled Facebook.
  • Oooh... nice one. I might do just that!
  • uuddlrlr
    uuddlrlr Posts: 93 Match Maker
    does this mean you will have two Facebook saves for the same MPQ account?
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'd be interested in that, because in a moment of derp I used my real facebook, instead of a fake one, and I don't want to spam all these messages to people who don't even play it
  • I made a new Facebook account just for the game. Playing through it again with a new game. Not making the same mistakes like deleting covers and spending gold on anything but slots. I am also trying not to depend on ironman so much this time through since he is replaced by Thor down the road. Also, I did not play through with the updated rewards in the PvE so digging the opportunity to play those missions again as well. I really like the changes - I have a much more balanced set of heroes and am experimenting much more.

    Note you don't have to delete the Facebook app - just delete and add your new Facebook credentials. Only downside is that I have to change back if I want to use Facebook.