Fixing Drax

greenglove Posts: 111 Tile Toppler
I think fixing Drax would be quite easy, actually. Change black power so that he removes enemy tiles instead of friendly. At 12 ap cost, that is not too much to ask. Then change purple so that it doesn't end turn, and is activated by his own or any friendly active power. Then you have a very usable character. But I will never spend 12 ap to get rid of my own cd tiles.


  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'd go with:
    blackflag.png Deals its base damage. Any friendly AP pool with more than 10 AP will have 10 AP depleted to increase damage by [increased damage amount]. Threshold remains at 10 regardless of rank, but amount depleted can be reduced to... 7AP perhaps? And number of AP pools starts at 1, but perhaps goes up to 3 or more.

    purpleflag.png I wouldn't mind it so much if I could at least select a tile rather than losing the turn and not even be able to protect a random bad placement.

    The two powers are weirdly opposed to each other. One hurts your team, and the other requires your team to be worthwhile. Oh, wait a sec.

    purpleflag.png add on (Passive) Drax is invisible while this tile is on the board.

    Or treat it like an actual trap. Since it's a trap. He's laying a trap for the enemy.

    purpleflag.png Create a trap tile which adds [damage] when an ally uses an ability. If the enemy matches this tile, stun the target for 1~2 turns and move the trap (Drax re-positions to continue the plan). Deals 1/4 to 1/2 damage when matched by an ally.

    There is so much that could improve Secret Weapon. The trap could be limited to 1 and remain on the field, not consumed (smaller damage). It could be consumed for the big burst. Either way.