Make a bank for cards we can use in the future!

Metadigital213 Posts: 2
Hey all! I was reading through the forums and I noticed a lot of people complaining about draws, be it a 5 star they got at a low level that messes up scaling, a drawn card for a character that is leveling but already has 5 in that move, and even losing cards because we don't have the roster space when we draw them. I have a simple solution that could offer a little reprieve for the customer support side: a bank!

The idea being that you can preserve a drawn card until such time as it becomes useful. It doesn't need its own tab or any new space, maybe just a simple checked box to protect a cover for an indefinite amount of time. There could be a limit (5 cards maybe?) or not, but it eliminates feeling like a card that we worked hard to acquire is taken if for no other reason that we didn't have the money or hp (or proper colored covers) at the time to utilize effectively. The champion system KIND OF addressed this, it's just one small step further.

This is an issue I have recently experienced ( two lost ghost riders and a nick fury THIS MONTH, both of which have 12 covers for me) and a bank for those cards would have at least provided some REAL use for those cards, even if it were months from now (no d3, 1k ISO is NOT worth 20 cp). I am a paying player, but I think this is a simple solution to help all (p2p and f2p). Anyone else?