Characters and alternate powers

DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
I was just looking at the Nova red cover in my queue, and I noticed that the game details what his red does in both forms.

And that's not consistent. Iceman, for example, displays both effects for his blue, as does Spider-Woman for her purple.

However, X-23's green lists both, but only for 'this is what it does with your next cover in this power.' Wherever you are currently, all you see is the effects for "Holding Back," not "Berserker Fury." Ditto for Punisher (MAX)'s Punish/Army of One. Likewise, 4* Blade's Hunger/Bloodlust - you can see the effects with the next cover, but not both effects with whatever you've got.

Miles Morales doesn't display the effects for what happens when Hide & Seek becomes Surprise! - either for the current level or the next.

OML's alternate powers aren't displayed, perhaps because he refreshes his entire arsenal. 5* Jean Grey's From the Ashes converts, but there's no description on the character page of what Phoenix Force does.

There may be others I'm missing, but I think this illustrates the point - why is it that we can see what some characters' alternate powersets are without having to go into battle, and others we cannot?


  • madsalad
    madsalad Posts: 815 Critical Contributor
    A millions times this. Powers shouldn't be a mystery. What if I don't want "Army of One" on MaxPun? Just by looking at the character card, I cannot tell what Army of One does until I actually flip to that power. I should have all of the information available to me to make my decisions. I can't imagine it would be that hard to add a hot link to another page that details the alternate power, right?
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    You're supposed to go on the Forums to check the powers icon_lol.gif