The Thing not so Rock Solid

anotherhell Posts: 7
Playing with Thing 17K hp, 4Pool 12k hp, and Nick 10k hp and Nick get hit for 7k to the face but Thing dose not use Rock Solid.
Second match Thing 15k hp, 4Pool 9k hp, and XWolverine 9k when Wolverine got a Repulsor Punch for 6k+ and no Rock Solid.
Third match same team mostly the same hp Thing still over 15k hp this time 4pool takes a Unibeam 7k still no Rock Solid.


  • ErikPeter
    ErikPeter Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    Yep it's one of the powers that was disabled/borked by the last patch (Quake Passive, Blade Passive, Chulk Black, Deadpool Super Whales, etc...)

    Send a bug ticket.