Returning Player - Observations

pseudotwentyone Posts: 10 Just Dropped In
I quit in disgust around a year ago, vowing to never return - the bits and pieces I would hear about the game in the interim did little to entice me to return. A little over a month ago, I decided to reinstall, and I am glad I did!

The game overall seems in much better shape than when I left (Shortly after DDQ was introduced). I feel I am getting a lot more covers than when I played before, and the new things they have added or changed, along with the wealth of new characters has been awesome. I even enticed several other friends to come back and play again and they feel the same.

One thing I have noticed that is a bit frustrating is the long length of some of the PVE sub-events, such as the one for the current Enemy of the State Event. 6 regular nodes, and 3 required hero nodes, and it lasts 2 full days! This is at least the 3rd time I have seen this since returning and couldn't remember if it was like this before, but as a majority PVE player I hope this is not normal. PvP is fun in short bursts, but I usually get matched against at least champed 3-star teams pretty fast and have to beg off.

One suggestion I could offer for more content would be the ability to play single matches against opponents (being able to choose any opponents is probably asking too much) with no rewards or consequences. There has been at least one time lately that there was literally nothing to do until the next day! Without offering rewards, and your characters not taking any damage (or healing, to prevent exploits) this would offer some throwaway fun for everyone without hurting D3's bottom line, and letting me play around more with the close to 80 heroes I have in my roster!

Anyways, keep it up D3, loving the game more than I did the first time!