Ticket Issue?

BMGMaza Posts: 8
I have a question. A few days ago, i created a ticket because i had a problem with a payment (MPQ show me an error message, but the money on steam it was gone after bough some coins, and the coins aren't in the account)
I created the ticket that i have to create, with the pictures and everything, but today, when i check to see if there's any answer, i see this.

"Esta solicitud está cerrada para comentarios. Puede crear un seguimiento." It says that the ticket is closed to comments, i can create a follow-

My question is that this are the steps of how MPQ Support handle, because is the first time that i send a ticket. Im really nervious because i don't know what to do, if they are gonna answer me, or if the ticket its just closed- Like i said, i put money and for an error of the aplication don't know what to do besides that.

Sorry for the bad english, have a great day all of you.


  • David [Hi-Fi] Moore
    David [Hi-Fi] Moore Posts: 2,872 Site Admin

    Please send me a private message with your Support ticket number and I can have a look into it for you.
  • "David wrote:

    Please send me a private message with your Support ticket number and I can have a look into it for you.

    Done! Thank you very much brother.