Gwenpool deus ex machina shoot blank.

kenshohmer2 Posts: 35 Just Dropped In
The green Gwenpool power apparently target downed enemy as well since the R112 patch. Before the patch, if only 1 opponent was up , he would take the 3 shot fired by Gwenpool. Now I experienced the last opponent standing taking 1 shot or even none. (Collecting 10 green for 0 damage...) please fix it.


  • RogueZeroOne
    RogueZeroOne Posts: 29 Just Dropped In
    I noticed the same thing. She was rocking with her green power before 112, now has trouble hitting the broad side of a barn. Was the intended functionality of the power that her shots might not hit any enemy and the function before the update incorrect? If so, ouch. Turns her from very useful into meh (or less).

