Please Eliminate It!!

sybercide Posts: 32
Please, please, PLEASE eliminate the following forever-never-more :

When you choose your power-ups, click start, and then they all show up again, one after another, until all 3 utilities have been shown.

I KNOW what utilities I've chosen to use, I CHOSE them mere seconds prior to loading the match! There is NO need to basically repeat to me what I "said" to the game. Why is this even there? Is it just to remind me? Does it serve any purpose at all, since we can't have a do-over if we selected the wrong utility, to show us this each time we use it? We don't see what team ups we've loaded flash before our eyes prior to matches, we can see them if we choose to, but it isn't forced on us. This delays the game enough to bother me, and want it removed. It would save code to remove it, it's not integral to the mechanics, and I would be most appreciative icon_e_biggrin.gif