How much would you pay for a random colorless 4* cover?

CaptainFreaky Posts: 451 Mover and Shaker
edited October 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
So the going rate for a random 4* cover is 20CP. You can earn specific covers in events and take your luck on vaults and such, but if you want a guaranteed 4* (with RNG sometimes giving you a 5* cover) the cost is 20CP. You might argue the "net cost" is slightly less than 20CP since you are also buying a chance at a 5* cover, but let's ignore that.

Now the cost for a SPECIFIC 4* cover is 120CP. That's pretty pricey, but I suppose if you have a really good 4* character that you are 12/13 covers on then it may make sense in a few rare occasions (to each their own).

Given these 2 data points, what would you pay for a random, colorless (eg you pick the color upon earning it) 4* cover?

Personally, I might consider 2x the CP rate - so maybe 40CP to get a random colorless 4* cover. I would only do this if I had many mostly covered 4* and didn't want to "waste" a cover on a non-champed character. Alternately, perhaps I would be willing to spend a one-time fee (like 500HP or something) when I earn the cover to change it's color to something else.

What about you? How much more would you pay for a random 4* cover if you could pick the color?


  • tanis3303
    tanis3303 Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
    We shouldn't have to pay anything for such a feature. It should just be a feature. When there were only a dozen characters in the game, it made sense, but with 115 (is that right?) characters available, each with 3 colors save some of the 1* guys, the fact that you can have a character sit at 5/2/5 and continue to pull covers in the 5's (essentially making the character worthless) is absurd.

    Building a character out of such a huge pool of possible cover pulls, based purely on RNG, is already a challenge. There's no reason to exacerbate this by creating situations where covers miraculously pulled for the character you want/need are still somehow not what you want/need...
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    20CP, with a 15% chance that it gives me a colorless 5*.

    Colorless covers should've hit when championing did. It's silliness that color doesn't matter for covers 14-113 (or 63 for the 2*), but matters greatly for 1-13.
  • mpqr7
    mpqr7 Posts: 2,642 Chairperson of the Boards
    Actually color only matters for covers 6-13. Sometimes if you're very lucky, it never matters... ie you build a hero up to 4/4/4, and then you can win any cover.

    It's only if you get to 5/x/x etc where suddenly the color matters. So random, right? Sooooooo.... rng.
  • Jam_Adams
    Jam_Adams Posts: 486 Mover and Shaker
    how about keep covers from token pulls as they are, and change the 4* cover in progression to a colorless cover?
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Zero dollars, zero CP, zero HP, and zero ISO.

    With 4*'s rapidly approaching the number 40...the relevance of them is less than it ever has been.

    And yet the only way to get beyond them is bizarrely RNG. icon_rolleyes.gif
  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    Because of the current difficulty with completing a character, they should either make all covers from tokens "colorless" or reduce the CP cost to buy the cover. 120 CP is too much for a 4* cover, it should be more like 50 CP. The 5* cover cost is even more ridiculous. That should be more like 200 CP (maybe less if 5* weren't so overpowered).
  • CaptainFreaky
    CaptainFreaky Posts: 451 Mover and Shaker
    tanis3303 wrote:
    We shouldn't have to pay anything for such a feature. It should just be a feature. When there were only a dozen characters in the game, it made sense, but with 115 (is that right?) characters available, each with 3 colors save some of the 1* guys, the fact that you can have a character sit at 5/2/5 and continue to pull covers in the 5's (essentially making the character worthless) is absurd.

    Building a character out of such a huge pool of possible cover pulls, based purely on RNG, is already a challenge. There's no reason to exacerbate this by creating situations where covers miraculously pulled for the character you want/need are still somehow not what you want/need...

    I agree the character pool is too big and only getting bigger and depending on RNG for cover assortment has become a huge challenge to the 4* and 5* transition players. It could be argued whether ISO flow or RNG are the biggest problems with 4* & 5* play, but surely they are among the biggest issues.

    I also agree that "nothing extra" would be the best answer for a colorless cover...but do we think that's on the horizon? I doubt it.

    But short of "nothing" which Demi show's little interest in doing, and would probably have a pretty dramatic impact on the 3->4* transition - I wonder if it would be better to increase the resource cost to obtain a colorless cover, or perhaps charge a one-time fee to change the color of a particular cover.
    Pre-championing, buying a 4* cover was 2500HP (if I remember correctly), so perhaps one improvement could be anytime you earn a 4* cover from whatever means, you could pay a certain amount of HP to do a one-time color change on that cover.
  • Straycat
    Straycat Posts: 963 Critical Contributor
    I have bought the Latest Legends instead of the Classic tokens maybe twice. I now have 4 champ 4's and 3 other max covered. A colorless token wouldn't make it better to get a cover for a max covered character that you aren't ready to champion. That would be less of an issue for most people, so the inherent risk of an unusable pull would be lower. If 5 stars were removed I think 30 cp would still be the most I would pay. I would probably rather take 2 regular tokens than 1 colorless.
    Some other ideas:
    -Color change allowed once you have 5 in one color
    -Duplicate covers can be banked and applied once championed
    -Duplicate covers can be banked and 2 or more dupes get another cover/ token
    -Duplicate covers can be sold for more than 1000 iso

    I don't know how I feel about going full colorless for every token. I think there can be positives to having to use the covers spec'd in the order you received them.
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    I agree that all covers should be colorless, and you add them to the color you desire of the character. It is unlikely the will implement this free of charge, since people have to buy token packs to get that cover they were hunting for...

    If they must charge more for pulling colorless, then I suppose the most I would do is pay 25CP for Classic Colorless pulls, and 30 CP (or an LT token) for a Latest Colorless pull.

  • But short of "nothing" which Demi show's little interest in doing

    On the contrary, I would argue that Demi shows quite a bit of interest in doing nothing. They really are quite good at it.
  • carrion_pigeons
    carrion_pigeons Posts: 942 Critical Contributor
    Gameplay-wise, such a feature would make it so everyone's experience with a character was the same. No one would ever have to play CotT with a 1/2/5 character and need to figure it out, for example. I don't love that aspect of the idea, since it reduces the variety of experience in a moderate way.

    Business-decision-wise, I think it's clear it would significantly reduce the cost of whaling a character, which is where the bulk of their income comes from. This seems undesirable from a development perspective. (Arguments for whether or not a business model in which the bulk of their income comes from whaling is a good thing or not aside.)

    Making colorless covers would have two effects: reducing variance to increase the overall pace of progression, and eliminating feel-bad moments when you have to trash a cover. I do think the game would benefit from both of those things, but I think a "good" implementation of a fix ought to involve increasing the amount of gameplay involved in the process, rather than decreasing it. Maybe, for example, you could combine two off-color covers of a character, and some HP (?), to transmute a cover into another color of your choice. Or maybe there could be a node in DDQ once a cycle that you can only play by paying 2500 Iso, which, when you win, randomizes the colors of all the covers in your queue. Something that requires the player to make a decision of some kind.

    Ultimately, though, Iso is the main barrier to progression, and making cover progression more efficient isn't likely to change that, so any changes that people think about are ultimately not going to make a big difference to the average player's progression.
  • cardoor
    cardoor Posts: 185 Tile Toppler
    There should be an in game barter system

    I have an extra Flapcap blue. I flag it for the in game "exchange" and choose from a list (similar to the forum smilies) of covers I would trade for it. At that point anyone who wants it can give me a cover in my list and then take the Falcon blue for themselves. If no one wants it before it runs out in the q, I just sell it as normal.
  • cardoor
    cardoor Posts: 185 Tile Toppler
    Another idea...

    Have an LT (or CP spent) provide 5 options of random covers instead of one and let the player choose which one they want. You might still not get what you need, but at least you would have more choices and slightly better odds.
  • TLCstormz
    TLCstormz Posts: 1,668
    This is the PREMIERE FEATURE that I've begged to be implemented. For all of this year.

    Certain people have been willing to listen and even gone to bat for us within the company, but the current response is "that's too hard to program".

  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    "Get better programmers."
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't know that I like the idea of colorless covers. What I'd prefer to see them do is some system that once you have 5 of a cover and get a 6th, there is an option to pay to apply that extra cover as one of the other two colors for an extra fee. I think the fee should be at least 10 times the amount you would get for selling it normally so:
    1* = 1000 ISO
    2* = 2500 ISO
    3* = 5000 ISO
    4* = 10000 ISO
    5* = 20000 ISO
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    Right now i would pay 500k iso. I believe that is the equivalent rate of champing my lv120 Colossus to lv183, so that he can give me my final Xverine yellowflag.png for my 9/6/2 Xverine
    My XFW has been sitting at 5/5/2 for quite some time. When they changed the Simulator reward a long time ago from yellowflag.png XFW to GhostRider... I was bummed. I would have had him maxed. Now, I've pulled a couple Green since and no yellow. At the time I was bummed, but figured it wasn't so bad, I could still pull it relatively soon with all the LT's and CP I've earned and will be earning... but nope. RNGesus has forsaken me.