I want to spend $$ on MPQ but...

Hotnfresh Posts: 55 Match Maker
D3-- I want to spend $$ on your game but you're making it easy not to!

I used to spend more HP than I wanted to, always hitting the 1300 goal cuz I didn't participate in all the LINE nonsense. There were fewer covers in the 20 CP token pull, and managed to get Phoenix to 10 covers (with 2 green dups) along with a 6 cover OML. It was exciting...

Now... it's almost always disappointment after opening either 20 or 25 CP tokens. There are so many covers now, I never see PHX or OML anymore. Even the percentages for winning any 5* aren't adding up. And there is no "bad luck protection".

I have 0 champed 5*'s, 14 champed 4*, and recently finished champing all 3*'s. Again, it was exciting champing the 3*'s because of all the opportunities to acquire the newer 5*'s. I actually had pretty good luck! But then the excitement wore off, realizing these token chances were now severely **** w/o that first LT from champing a character.

As another post I was reading was stating, my incentive in PVP to go over 900 is now non-existent. With the ridiculous RNG system as it stands, the odds are far too small to get covers you want/need. So why would I spend money on HP for shields to hit that 1200 when the odds are SO low to get the desired covers with the extra CP?

My roster is to the point where I'm needing specific 4* covers. But my 5* characters have a lot of room to grow. Newer players benefit much more with the current state of gameplay. And the whales have money, so they'll just throw money at the game until they have what they want. But what about the players who have been spending for quite a while, have good rosters, and have much more specific needs?

So, does D3 really expect me to level a weak 4*, hoping they choose that one to revamp? Am I supposed to stockpile ISO day after day, month after month, waiting for them to implement changes for terrible characters? I see 450+ OML's all day, and mine has 6 covers... so essentially, I'm waiting months for them to make changes to characters who couldn't even tickle OML, much less down him.

D3 has made some great changes, I want to be clear, with more ISO etc. But they've created new problems because the new character train keeps rolling and the RNG system is, quite frankly, broken. Bad luck is consistent, otherwise there would be no such thing as "good luck". So when the needs for your roster get increasingly specific, there has to be a way to "create your own luck". And they refuse to provide increased opportunities for needed covers.

Why would I join a buy club, buy HP for top PVP, buy ISO at ludicrous cost... when I'm almost certain to get covers repeatedly that I don't need. The slog to attain enough ISO to champ a 4* is no easy feat, so careful planning is required. I'm not just going to dump several weeks of ISO into a character because I have extra covers (as their covers are maxed already).

I would like to say I don't care, but I'm playing so I obviously have an attachment to MPQ. I'm starting to feel like a battered wife who loves her husband so she comes back for more punishment. Here are a couple more examples of why D3 will get no more $$--

1) I have almost 20 red/green covers for Ares in que, selling as I go, waiting for one yellow Ares. Only RNG can provide it.
2) I'm cover maxed for Flaptain (?, so terrible I don't know his name), yet tried 15 times to beat Captain Marvel in today's DDQ with spectacular failure. 5/5/3 unfortunately, but still.... terrible matchup with a terrible character.
3) The recent, insulting failure of Boss Rush
4) 8/10 LT's opened recently were IW and Kingpin

Just a few examples of bad business. The hardest thing to accept is their unawareness of the problem. I don't think that's possible. So it has to be a flippant disregard of the gamer who pays them for this wonderful thing that is MPQ. Makes me think that this is their baby and no customer is going to tell D3 how to treat their baby.

I could keep going but this post is too long already. I'm hanging by a thread, D3. Pick up the pace, please, with a 5* vault and events and change your RNG system. THEN I'll give you MORE $$!


  • Good points. I would like to see the changes in the LT pull too. Maybe it could be seperated, 5* continue where it is currently and a seperate vault for 4* at a reduced cost of 10 and 15 CP based on newer releases as it is now. OR, implement it into current vault with option to pull two 4*s for 20CP or one 5* for 20CP for "old" releases, and bump it to 30CP for newer releases. The player would just have to click which one they want to use. I can't tell you how many 4*s I have with just 1 power now from the LTs, but seeing some in the line up of rewards for 3* champions gives me hope that will change as I progress them.
  • Hotnfresh
    Hotnfresh Posts: 55 Match Maker
    That's a good point too, forgot they changed the progression rewards on some of the 3*'s. But I like what you're selling there!
  • Pogo
    Pogo Posts: 185 Tile Toppler
    Hotnfresh wrote:
    I'm starting to feel like a battered wife who loves her husband so she comes back for more punishment.
    This is the free-to-play/skinnerware business model in a nutshell
  • Crnch73
    Crnch73 Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
    with the giant increase in characters, they should be doing something many people have been asking for:

    separate the legendaries into 3 categories:

    1) newest: this has the 3 newest 5* characters, as well as the 15 newest 4*. Adjust rates accordingly, costs 25cp as usual.
    2) classic 4*: the remaining 25 4* characters, all with equal drop rates, no chance at 5*, 10-15cp
    2) classic: the 25 (or maybe less) oldest 4* characters, plus the remaining 5* characters. 15-20cp

    this would allow for people who need 4* more than 5* to spend less of the in-game currency that you can't purchase with real money. In reality, I have a very slim need for 5* right now. with 40 4* characters, I have very little chance of getting multiple pulls of covers I need. If I use a LT and get my second cover for Bruce Banner, does that really help me right now? As sparse as CP and LT's are for a player trying to jump from 3* to 4* land, getting a useless cover with such a pull is demoralizing, causing me to want to earn the CP rewards even less. I currently have every 4* character, and unless boosted in a PVE event, they are all completely useless right now. Getting my first Peggy yellow (she is 2/0/5 for me) would be millions of times better than getting my third cover for Drax. I save up my CP and tokens and try not to open anything unless I have over 20 pulls. Sometimes, I get nothing worth smiling about from 20 pulls, and that is a problem.