VIP Review

Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
When I returned from Retirement I decided to try VIP because a few alliancemates have it and I figured it could help me catch-up a little for the missed months. The 28-day cycle has ended and I wanted to share my thoughts.

For those who don't know what you receive from VIP for $10 a month (28 days):

Iso: 10,000 (11 days)
HP: 700 (7 days)
CP: 9 (3 days)
Heroic Tokens: 6 (6 days)
Legendary Token: 1 (1 day) + 1 sign on bonus
25% Faster healing

My thoughts:

- Needs to be at least 30 days. Why is it only 28? Because 1 month in the year is 28? Extend it a bit
- 10,000 Iso is nice compared to buying two Treasure boxes at $10 for 6400 iso but Iso is overpriced as it is.
- 700 HP sucks for the fact it doesn't pay for the high cost 1000 roster slot. This could resolved by having more than 28 days
- CP isn't helping. What can you do with 9 CP? At least give us enough for an LT or buy a 3* cover for newbies. CP just seems like a waste
- I would like to see more LTs but the 2 is fine.
- 25% healing is a waste. This is coming from a player that has over 100 health packs and rarely used them. I don't notice a huge difference in health recovery. It still takes over 2 hrs for most characters. It would be best if it were 50% healing or reduce Healthpack recovery from 35mins to 15mins.
- The renewal needs to be more enticing. You and your alliance gain +1 CP to renew. I'm glad I can give my alliance some CP but it would be better if I gained more own renewal rewards. The rewards should increase by 8.32% each month so that by my 1-yr renewal I receive double the rewards.

I understand VIP is supposed to be a small boost and not turning the game into a true pay-to-win but I want VIP to feel like I'm getting my money's worth. Maybe add CL to VIP to give the player the appropriate rewards based on their SHIELD rank.

When VIP was first released I remember one player saying VIP is like Doc Ocks green power, it does alittle bit of everything but nothing well. This is very true and I would love to see a small change because at this time I am not renewing. Feel free to share your VIP thoughts.


  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,790 Chairperson of the Boards
    Feel free to share your VIP thoughts.

    It's terrible value for money, I'd rather buy an asgard every 4 months instead. Not enough HP, LTs or CP to have me go back for more. It should be enough HP to buy enough roster slots to at least cover two of the new releases in a month and a LT every 7 days. Until then I will keep my cash.
  • Dwarfsteel
    Dwarfsteel Posts: 55 Match Maker
    I actually think it's a decent value. Although I agree the ISO could use a doubling. The VIP in and of itself may not directly speed your progression up a ton, but I see it more as an augmentation.

    Take the HP for example. At 700 per month it isn't enough for a roster slot by itself, but in the context of game play, I only need another 300 from other sources to get that roster slot. I used to buy a Stark every 3 months or so to top up. Since VIP came out I haven't had to. A good portion of that can be attributed to my 2* farm as well, but it is helping to keep me ahead of my HP expenditures.

    On the CP side buying a Stark every 3 or so months I'd earn 7 bonus CP. In the same time frame. With VIP I earn 27. Enough for another latest with some change or a classic with more left over.

    On top of all the above are 2 LTs, 6 Heroic, the ISO and the speed healing as a bonus. Overall for my style of play, it's saving me money and helping me progress. Even if it isn't a huge amount every little bit helps.

    I just think everyone looks at it from a stand alone perspective. In doing that yes it doesn't add up to a tremendous amount. But in the context of regular play I feel it is a decent value for augmenting your progression and saving money for those with a similar style of play.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    When VIP was first released I remember one player saying VIP is like Doc Ocks green power, it does alittle bit of everything but nothing well. This is very true and I would love to see a small change because at this time I am not renewing. Feel free to share your VIP thoughts.

    Was it me that said that? I like to harp of doc oc's green (and 5Cap's yellow) as example of how "grab bag of stuff" powers just don't work in the current meta of this game, so it's a go-to reference for me.

    I agree with your assessment of VIP. It's not a *bad* purchase relative to the absurd pricing on other resources in the game ($100 for 7 CP, 78k iso). But it's also not a compelling mix of resources for most players. It has both too many end-game assets (CP and LTs) for newer players, and not enough iso/HP for vets. It basically makes sense only if a player wants to support the game around the level of $10 every 4 weeks, in which case it's a decent value for that pricepoint. but if you want roster slots or coverpacks, you are much better off just buying HP directly. And if you want iso you should just play the game because buying iso at these prices is a fool's errand.
  • amusingfoo1
    amusingfoo1 Posts: 597 Critical Contributor
    I'd just say that I think it's pretty good value for the money. As for the 28-day thing, I think it's to match up with the (normally) 28-day cycle from the beginning of one season to the beginning of the next.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    I would really only change 3 things (maybe 4):
    1. Double the ISO bonus.
    2. Bump the over all CP gain from 700 to 1000 (still only half of what's need to roster the 2 new characters every month)
    3. Replace the 25% health regen with 25% healthpack regen.
    (maybe 4). Change the 28 days to 30.

    9 CP seems fair for $10
    2 LTs seems more than fair for $10
    6 HTs seems fair.
    10000 ISO is way too low, needs to double at least
    700 CP seems low especially since to roster every new character it would take 2000 CP a month.
    The health regen boost is a joke. Healthpack regen would be more useful.
    The 28 day thing I'm pretty sure is some 'clever' marketing person who realized if you did a 28 day monthly sub you'd get 13 months instead of 12. It's just a way to stretch what we're being charged for it.
  • Stax the Foyer
    Stax the Foyer Posts: 941 Critical Contributor
    Unless they're squeezing in a third legendary token, I'd rather they made the VIP period shorter rather than longer.

    It's the best value in the game right now, and the length of the VIP period is the limiting factor.