Opponent's Peggy Carter Passive

Oldboy Posts: 452 Mover and Shaker
Is activating in the first turn before their turn i.e. at the beginning of the battle. Shouldn't it activate only when their turn starts? Eg 3* Iron Fist and Luke Cage passives


  • Smudge
    Smudge Posts: 562 Critical Contributor
    Nope. She and Moon Knight have passives that activate at the beginning of the match, taking effect immediately.

    It's not like IF and Luke Cage - those two actually check to make sure there isn't a tile of their type out already. If the AI already had an attack tile out, IF wouldn't generate one on his turn as one example.

    You can see this in DDQ when IF is paired with Ultron bots. If one of them destroys 4 tiles and drops attack tiles from the Ultron bot passive, IF will never activate his own.

    Peggy and MK don't have those checks. Their passives are always in effect (unless Peggy is under her health threshold).
  • ErikPeter
    ErikPeter Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    Yep. Peggy activates at the start of the battle, not the start of each turn like Cage/IF. Somewhere in the game logic, "start of turn" is not checked at the beginning of a battle, for some reason.