Deadly Shot still going off turn 1 vs Peggy?

Akari Posts: 492 Mover and Shaker
Deadly Shot costs 0, and is not a passive. By this rule, Peggy's yellow should make it cost 3, and they should not be able to activate it on their first turn. Isn't goon ap added at the end of their turn?

Edit: I checked and even if goon ap is added at the start of the turn, Deadly Shot is definitely costing 0. At the end of the AI first turn they have 4 green, 1 purple, and a Deadly Shot cd tile. At end of turn 2, they have 8 green, 2 purple (can't use any other skills), so no AP was used for Deadly Shot.


  • Pretty sure it is Passive, it just doesn't list it in the description (though it should). That's why abilities that trigger on ability fires aren't triggered by that one.
  • Smudge
    Smudge Posts: 562 Critical Contributor
    Though I can't officially substantiate it, the way Deadly Shot appears to work is as a passive with this logic:

    If there is no green CD tile, create one green Deadly Shot tile at the start of the AI turn. If there is a green CD, do nothing.

    When I clear Deadly Shot, if the demolitionist has put his 4 turn green CD out, the sniper doesn't put another green CD out there. Agreed that it's bogus that it is not described as a passive.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Agreed, it's a passive. It walks like a passive, it quacks like a passive...

    But it was the first one in the game, as far as I know, or at least the first NPC passive. They just need to go back and correct the text.
  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    DayvBang wrote:
    Agreed, it's a passive. It walks like a passive, it quacks like a passive...

    But it was the first one in the game, as far as I know, or at least the first NPC passive. They just need to go back and correct the text.
    Not just the text, but the AP generation as well. The minions that use AP to activate powers are one thing, but Deadly Shot uses no AP, making the minion just a bit more abusive than the other HAMMER minions. At least with the other minions, the AI has to choose between feeding Ares' power or using it for the minion. Deadly Shot ignores that and just pumps out AP that it won't ever use.