
qwweetrtr Posts: 101 Tile Toppler
WAY TOO OP. Waaaaaaay toooo OP.

Not sure if there has been a thread or not but disabling a creature until a support is destroyed...when they attack.....UNTIL THE SUPPORT IS DESTROYED? that's just not right. If say the support goes to a corner or nowhere near white or whatever then that's GG if you don't have a support destroyer. That's not right.

Could it be tweaked to "once an opponent's creatures attack they are disabled....until the beginning of the opponent's next turn"? that way the creatures attack, they are disabled, they don't attack, they attack, they are disabled again. Not just oh you attacked? Now you're helpless GG.


  • Plastic
    Plastic Posts: 762 Critical Contributor
    He should just be a creature, like in paper. And it's Hixus. icon_e_wink.gif
  • qwweetrtr
    qwweetrtr Posts: 101 Tile Toppler
    Lol yea do like they did with Slayer's Plate turning it from a spell to a support only this time a support to a creature.

    That would make more sense, heck even have the effect stay the same that when an opponent attacks when Hixas (I know I'm spelling it wrong but all well) on the field they can't attack again until he is dead. Every single color has a kill spell of some sort. Not even the Scour that is non-colored. Literally every color has their own kill spells. Period. Support killers however? Blue only just now got their first support killer and it costs a lot and is a creature so still very limiting but hey, at least they have one now for the few lucky people to pull it.
  • JanksMcJank
    JanksMcJank Posts: 62 Match Maker
    it was a single 1 support.
    in the bottom right corner of the screen.
    I didn't have any cards to destroy it and I couldn't get the colors in that area to match.

    Went from a guaranteed win to a hopeless frustrating loss.
    Just 1 card.
  • qwweetrtr
    qwweetrtr Posts: 101 Tile Toppler

    Went from a guaranteed win to a hopeless frustrating loss.
    Just 1 card.

    Yup. For me, that classifies as OP. Not as other people say OP is which is "so powerful a card it's basically a must for every deck of that color." or even what a person said in my coalition which was if you don't get rid of the creature you basically win. No.....OP in my definition is if it's not stopped the other person loses that simple.

    I think the U Hydra is like that as well but without having hexproof or Indestructable it's not OP, just massively powerful But Hixus? Tell everyone please to "like" or give a thumbs up or whatever to this forum here and to comment all so the devs see just how massively OP this is. If someone can win with one card alone that should be a MASSIVE red flag. It's kind of the same with Claustiphobia but it's only like that if you combo locking them out of getting more creatures out. But they can get out of it, Hixus there is no way. Litererally only destroying the support. That's not right.
  • bgqtony
    bgqtony Posts: 24
    I agree 100%. Half the time, when I see Hixus early on in a match, I'll just quit and find a new match. That card is so OP and infuriating I don't even want to play against it. Getting rid of supports is WAY too random to begin with, and one like that that can disable every creature on your board is just broken.
  • PajdaCZ
    PajdaCZ Posts: 20
    What do you play with?
    1) There is a plenty of cards that destroy supports directly (Demolish, Smash to smithereens, Conclave naturalists, Anguished unmaking....)
    2) Plenty of indirect destruction (Koth's 1st ability, Chandra's 1st and 3rd, Sword of the animist, Volcanic Rambler, Abbot...)

    and... Hixus is a mythic rarity for a reason, and still comes only with one shield.
  • qwweetrtr
    qwweetrtr Posts: 101 Tile Toppler
    You know everything you said was NOT blue right? only thing that wasn't was sword. All the indirect support destructions though hit a lot of the board meaning yours as well. Blue only just now got theirs. Yes one shield but still ONE card shouldn't win you the game. It might contribute, heck maybe even contribute heavily but not be the sole reason.
  • jeremii
    jeremii Posts: 28
    Completely agree. I just had a game a while ago which AI was able to cast 3 hixuses within 6 turns. I spent the rest of the game doing nothing but trying to remove them. Most painful game ever...

    i eventually lost of course...
  • Stormbringer0
    Stormbringer0 Posts: 190 Tile Toppler
    edited October 2016
    PajdaCZ wrote:
    What do you play with?
    1) There is a plenty of cards that destroy supports directly (Demolish, Smash to smithereens, Conclave naturalists, Anguished unmaking....)
    2) Plenty of indirect destruction (Koth's 1st ability, Chandra's 1st and 3rd, Sword of the animist, Volcanic Rambler, Abbot...)

    and... Hixus is a mythic rarity for a reason, and still comes only with one shield.

    I agree on this. Most colors get rid of a support, even when it's cast two or three times. Yeah, that card is annoying, but I don't see much play on this. I would say, that Olivia is way more powerful (and literally sees play in any black or red deck) and with some effort, you can beat both. I never quit a game, no matter which cards or decks I have to play against. Sometimes you're just unlucky and Hixus gets cornered, but how often does that happen? It's much more likely that Koth AI gets lucky and tinykittys his whole hand on the board. Or the game gives you just a **** hand. Then you loose the game, which is frustrating, yeah, but man: grab yourself by your nuts and get over it.
  • HunMike
    HunMike Posts: 47
    I agree with you, it should've been a creature, but i don't see it ruining the meta this far.

    Possible countermesures (note that all of them can be done effectively without mythics):
    1. Direct supp removals (green/red)
    2. Indirect removals, a.k.a board vipes (red/cless)
    3. Direct damage (red/black)
    4. Kill/replace your own creatures (all)
    5. Bounce your creatures. (blue)

    In 4 and 5 you might want to buff them before attack.
    You know, i don't want to sound rude, but your lack of imagination really shouldn't result in nerfing a card which work just as intended.

    It is one card, which CAN win you a match in itself, when certain strict conditions are met. There are plenty of those in the Mythic section. Sticling to the example of locking players: A Demonic pact can lock AND kill you. Also a support, but with 4 shields. Punishes when goes down, just like Hixus. Still, you didn't consider that one OP.
    Btw, this trio (hixus/sbond/claustrophobia) gets wiped out instantly around 40% of the time when it hits the board. Not to mention that when its finally solved, it usually turns the match around, without massive mana investments/using op cards.

    The ai still keeps destroying your disabled monsters, so if it has removals you can count on it in making room to you.

    Imo white mono is one of the weakest decks around now. Doesn't need any more weakening.
  • qwweetrtr
    qwweetrtr Posts: 101 Tile Toppler
    I didn't mention Demonic Pact because it has a massive downside to it. You're right. White is really weak right now.................when it's only white. White/black, white, red, etc......anything combining white is OP with with Hixus. Regarding Olivia that's an example I was referring to as contributing highly to winning the game. Creatures like her and Omnath and U Hydra and etc....they all can win you the game alone, can. There is enough direct creature removal though that you can get them in time. If you don't then sure they win you the game maybe. Maybe because blocking with creatures also kills them. There are a ton of ways to get rid of creatures.....not with supports.

    How often does it go to corners or otherwise not near the color? Pretty much all the time at least with me supports are different. The work arounds you said "bouncing/killing" your own creatures is a work around that also benefit....the person having Hixus. Everything about it is Op. there is no downside to it at all none. "Oh it's one shield" that means nothing with just how OP it is.
  • Stormbringer0
    Stormbringer0 Posts: 190 Tile Toppler
    qwweetrtr wrote:
    How often does it go to corners or otherwise not near the color? Pretty much all the time at least with me supports are different. The work arounds you said "bouncing/killing" your own creatures is a work around that also benefit....the person having Hixus. Everything about it is Op. there is no downside to it at all none. "Oh it's one shield" that means nothing with just how OP it is.

    No offense, but hand on your heart: you're just butt hurt and this is just mimimi. icon_e_wink.gif
  • khurram
    khurram Posts: 1,101 Chairperson of the Boards
    WAY TOO FRAGILE. Waaaaaaay toooo fragile!!!!!!
  • shteev
    shteev Posts: 2,031 Chairperson of the Boards
    A couple of options that haven't been mentioned... Ajani's ultimate deals well with Hixus, and I run Shambling Vent in black decks to help dig it out.
  • blacklotus
    blacklotus Posts: 589 Critical Contributor
    PajdaCZ wrote:
    What do you play with?
    1) There is a plenty of cards that destroy supports directly (Demolish, Smash to smithereens, Conclave naturalists, Anguished unmaking....)
    2) Plenty of indirect destruction (Koth's 1st ability, Chandra's 1st and 3rd, Sword of the animist, Volcanic Rambler, Abbot...)

    and... Hixus is a mythic rarity for a reason, and still comes only with one shield.

    originally it had 2 shields. it was nerfed. :p
  • qwweetrtr
    qwweetrtr Posts: 101 Tile Toppler
    blacklotus wrote:

    originally it had 2 shields. it was nerfed. :p

    Yea, that would have been the perfect time to make it a creature instead of leaving it as a support.