It is far past time DDQ updated it's rewards

DAC169 Posts: 122 Tile Toppler
edited October 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
Recently we had double ISO for DDQ, and everyone rejoiced. 2 Anniversary DDQs featuring Devil Dino with double ISO? Hurray! The next DDQ is also double ISO? Woo-hoo!! Back to normal ISO? Nnnoooooooo!!! icon_cry.gificon_cry.gificon_cry.gif
DDQ has not updated it's rewards since it started, other than 1 set including CP. Well, the rewards were fine when it first started - there were fewer 3*s and a ton fewer 4*s back then. But nowadays? It's really not much at all. The rewards are far overdue for an update!

Changes DDQ needs:
  • Big Enchilada - The only wave node to not give something for each wave defeated. Why? We've seen wave nodes that give ISO for earlier wave & a 4* cover for the last wave(Duck Season). It really needs to give out something for each wave, not just a single 3* cover if you beat it all.
  • Progression - Only being able to get a bonus if you can beat everything is insulting to the players, especially those lower players who don't have the required 3*. At minimum needs another progression reward for those that can beat the 3 nodes that don't require the daily 3* to play. Maybe an extra 500 ISO there?
  • More ISO - As stated before, fine when DDQ started, but far too low now. Although double ISO wasn't a huge boost, it felt so much better and seems about how much should be available from DDQ all the time.
  • No CP - When they introduced CP, DDQ had one set where you could get CP if you cleared all the nodes(the ISO was bumped down to 14999 points). But ever since then it's been back to the original rewards. Why? It doesn't need to be much CP, maybe just 1 a day.
  • No HP - None at all. Ever. Really? Just 25HP daily wouldn't hurt, D3! At max roster slot price, that would only be 1 extra slot every 40 days. And that's about how long it takes for 3 new characters to be released.
  • Only 2 tacos - That was fine when DDQ started and they worked like Standard/Elites/Heroics/Legendaries do. But when it changed to 2 cycling 300 item vaults, leaving it at 2 is a huge slap in the face for the players.

Some of these I always felt needed changed. Progression having only 1 reward for doing everything & Big Enchilada only giving a single reward for beating 4 waves never made any sense. I also never liked that there was no HP, but it really pissed me off when the community videos talked about "massive influx" of HP from DDQ and implying everyone was getting a lot more. I only pulled HP from the pre-vault Tacos ONCE (after all those videos and shortly before the change to vault), and it was the smaller amount (600 rather than 2900 I think they were).