Imprisoned In The Moon does not destroy UC

Steeme Posts: 784 Critical Contributor
I'm designing a Kiora deck for the upcoming event. I wanted to swap out Turn to Frog for this card, because of the cost and for the option to cast it on my own scions if necessary.

While practicing in QB, I went up against a Kiora deck with Ulenvaald and UC (of course with 3 other mythics in the deck as well).

When I cast Imprisoned in the Moon on UC, it did not destroy him, he instead lost -1/-1. In addition, it did not summon a 0/1 Moon Prison token, but I think he may have already had 3 creatures on the field, so I cannot confirm whether that side effect proc's or not.

Is this WAI? Or bug? Any other "destroy" spell will remove UC now, don't see why this card should behave differently.



  • Nitymp
    Nitymp Posts: 320 Mover and Shaker
    Was coming on to post exactly this. Moon just gave UC -1/-1 when I used it earlier.
  • HomeRn
    HomeRn Posts: 330 Mover and Shaker
    That cannot be working as intended... as UC should not be immune to destroy effects anymore... probably something overlooked from the update.
  • Plastic
    Plastic Posts: 762 Critical Contributor
    It's definitely not working as intended. Ob's 2nd ability also only gives -1/-1.

    It's apparent the devs haven't fully tested every destroy effect vs the reworked UC.
    WiLDRAGE Posts: 145 Tile Toppler
    I have come across this problem as well. I can confirm that not only does the UC not die, the opponent does get the Moon token.
  • Also it doesn't destroy an avacyn that has just come into play, I was really happy finding that out during the final node of the avacyns madness icon_evil.gificon_evil.gif

    The card clearly hasn't been programmed correctly as it didn't spawn the 0/1 for my opponent either.

    If you could fix the card and probably the wording too so that it makes sense.
  • Eglyntine
    Eglyntine Posts: 72 Match Maker
    I can confirm both UC and Avacyn were not destroyed with the Moon. My first game that I was demolished by Avacyn in the event I cast the Moon on the Avacyn card the second round and it did not destroy the card but gave a token anyway. I figured it was because she was immune to all damage. I lost the game in round four because of this. icon_e_surprised.gif

    The Moon definitely only knocks UC down -1/-1 each cast so I just try to kill him through combat but it seems really wrong that they (the opponent) still get the free mana token because the card reads "Destroy" not damage.
  • Stormcrow
    Stormcrow Posts: 464 Mover and Shaker
    This is the kind of recurring bug that makes it obvious that the devs aren't fixing bugs by going into the game engine and sorting out the root cause of the bug, but instead are just slapping band-aids onto the code for specific cards. I've seen games that just became buggier and buggier messes that way, as those band-aids pile up one on top of another and end up interacting with each other in unexpected (and virtually impossible to diagnose, for the playerbase) ways; it doesn't fill me with confidence for the future of this game.
  • octal9
    octal9 Posts: 593 Critical Contributor
    Oath of Liliana also fails to destroy UC.

    As above, Oath of Liliana also fails in a similar fashion against anything with Prevent Damage.

    It looks like the EMN destroy cards are implemented to deal max toughness damage to a creature, rather than destroy it.
  • Plastic
    Plastic Posts: 762 Critical Contributor
    octal9 wrote:
    Oath of Liliana also fails to destroy UC.

    As above, Oath of Liliana also fails in a similar fashion against anything with Prevent Damage.

    It looks like the EMN destroy cards are implemented to deal max toughness damage to a creature, rather than destroy it.

    And this is why I've lost faith in the devs. When UC came out, Origins destroy cards were an issue. They fixed those by the time SoI came out but then SoI cards were a problem. Now EM cards are too.

    To me this is not learning from past mistakes. Careless work. Am disappoint.
  • obsidianpeanut
    obsidianpeanut Posts: 25 Just Dropped In
    I was very excited to get this card. Very disappointed that it doesn't work all the time.