Star-Lord Update Screens

David [Hi-Fi] Moore
David [Hi-Fi] Moore Posts: 2,872 Site Admin
edited October 2016 in MPQ News and Announcements
Star-Lord fans!

Here's a trio of screenshots to go along with the previously mentioned info on planned changes to the Legendary Outlaw.

*Please note that anything listed or shown below is subject to change before final release.

Star-Lord Update

With the upcoming Power Gem Season, we will be updating the powers to Star-Lord (Legendary Outlaw). We've given his powers some more utility while keeping his Countdown tile-based kit, helping him be a better teammate to his fellow Guardians (or anyone else you'd like to pair him with!)

Here's a breakdown of his reworked powers:

Sleight of Hand - 10 AP
Turns 1-3 selected non-Countdown tiles into 3-turn Countdown tiles which deal damage to the target.
Upgrades include targeting Countdown tiles as well as dealing team damage when the Countdowns expire.

Everyone With Me - Passive
Whenever an enemy fires a power, place a Countdown tile that gains AP in a random color. While at least one of these tiles is on the board, friendly powers have their AP costs reduced.
Upgrades include more AP colors, More AP returned, and higher AP-cost reduction.
There can only be 4 of these friendly Countdown tiles at any one point.

Oldest Trick in the Book - 8 AP
Deals damage plus additional damage for every friendly Countdown tile.
Up to 6 Countdown Tiles.

Level 270 Preview Screenshots

*Update (10/21/16): The Sleight of Hand power will now turn selected tiles into Countdown tiles rather than Purple Countdown tiles. Please refer to this thread: R111 Hot Fixes

