Spartan AGOGE

DaBeast911 Posts: 77 Match Maker
edited October 2016 in MPQ Alliances
We have created Spartan AGOGE for those who wish to join Army of Sparta but do not have the rosters to compete on the elite level. Sparta AGOGE was ancient Greek training which involved learning, training, leading, guidance and cultivating loyalty to the Spartan group.

There are no minimums we have extensive knowledge, tips and strategies to teach and guide those that wish to be part of an elite alliance. Reach me here or through LINE, my ID is dabeast911.

When Alexander the Greats father, Philip II, was conquering in Greece, he was weary of the Spartans, defeating his armies at every battle. Philip II decided to send the Spartans a letter, instead of attacking, hoping to reason with them and avoiding the possibility of being defeated once again. The letter sent read : "If I enter Laconia, I will burn Sparta to the ground, destroyed, never to rise again"

The reply from the Spartans was a single word: "If."

I guarantee you will learn, grow and progress faster than you ever imagined, while being part of an amazing group of veterans, strategists and killer.


LINE ID: dabeast911