UncannyMUGs FULL - Member Chatroom



  • Welcome to our latest member GuiltTrip, he should be expanding our alliance to 18th slot

    As for your question, we dont have a LINE, The ones that started this alliance are from a Facebook Group called "Marvel Universe Gazette" you are welcome to join and i think we can keep it here as well, you know as introductions and hobbies of each one

    I'm Alexis from Buenos Aires, Argentina, feel free to introduce yourself here

    This is our current member list
    Agent Alex - Commander (Forum - FB group admin)
    DangerousDave - Commander (Forum)
    Getya - Commander (Forum)
    GuiltTrip - Commander (Forum)
    MarkyMark714 - Commander (Forum)
    josly - Commander (Forum)
    Stone757 - Commander (Forum)
    misterwizzard - Commander (Forum)
    sheisskopf - Commander (Forum)
    valden - Commander (FB Group)
    lancy - Commander (Forum - FB group admin)
    Ace84 (Forum)
    Phaminator (Forum)
    Vlain Iwnoc (FB Group)

    The last 3: Zanzibar, QuiK_ and kokimg didnt contacted but joined we were 4/8, so if you can please try to join the forum
    I'm not going to kick anyone that doesnt identify but it would be nice to keep everyone updated of our goals and plans

    We are TOP #50 on Simulator event! and TOP #25 on Lord of Thunder one,
    we will get alliance reward for normal and hard modes in Simulator, the alliance covers are ours but keep pushing!
    We will be 17/18 soon and hoping to fill all spots, Good luck to everyone!

    Our current ranks:
    #25 on LOT event
    #53 on Simulator basics event

    Lone star Skirmish #65 (got The Hood cover and 50hp at 51-100)
  • Howdy, Getya from TX. 32, I work in IT. Glad to be onboard. I'm usually not as active in forums, but I'm very active in game. ^^
  • Thanks much for the add and alliance expanded.
  • Looking for an active alliance. Play several times per day (almost every day it's 4+ times per day).
    Currently ranked 207 overall in the simulator.

    Player Name: papaintoca

    I appreciate any consideration. Thanks!


    Four Star ****
    Invisible Woman (Classic) - 30 - 0/0/2

    Three Star ***
    Spider-Man (Classic) - 18 - 1/1/0
    Iron Man (Model 40) - 15 - 1/0/0
    Black Widow (Grey Suit) - 15 - 0/0/1
    Punisher (Dark Reign) - 41 - 2/1/2
    The Hulk (Indestructible) - 18 - 1/1/0
    Doctor Doom (Classic) - 38 - 3/0
    The Hood (Classic) - 16 - 2/1/0
    Daredevil (Classic) - 15 - 1/0/2
    Loki (Dark Reign) - 15 - 1/3
    Thor (Modern) - 30 - 1/1/2
    Wolverine (Patch) - 25 - 2/0/0
    Psylocke - 15 - 1/1/0
    Magneto (Classic) - 25 - 2/0/0

    Two Star ***
    Ares (Dark Avengers) - 85 - 4/4/5
    Thor (Marvel Now!) - 85 - 5/3/5
    Captain America (Modern) - 85 - 4/5/5
    Hawkeye (Modern) - 62 - 5/5/3
    Black Widow (Original) - 61 - 3/3/4
    Storm (Classic) - 47 - 5/5/3
    Wolverine (Astonishing X-Men) - 42 - 5/4/4
    Daken (Dark Avengers) - 21 - 5/5
    Bullseye (Dark Avengers) - 21 - 3/0
    Magneto (Marvel Now) - 21 - 2/4/2
  • welcome gothaxxed!
    we are ranked #40 with 2 slots, I wouldnt say a top 10 right now but i believe we can enter the 25 reward with 2 good recruits so lets keep pushing!
    papaintoca wrote:
    Looking for an active alliance. Play several times per day (almost every day it's 4+ times per day).
    Currently ranked 207 overall in the simulator.
    Player Name: papaintoca

    We are 18/19, we are looking for someone that can expand the alliance for the last slot at 2000hp
    Preference with the heroes for the Simulator event: Doom, Psylocke & Black Panther
    I assume next should be Daredevil or Patch, unless they throw The Hood or Loki in

    But we really need a Black Panther to add up the points of current event
  • Do you still have an open spot? I'd like to join.

    My Name is Captain Crunk. Here is my roster:


    I play daily, usually at least 5 matches.
  • We are at 18/19 currently, waiting last member to send a request opens the last 20th spot at 2000hp
    Like i said before, your roster looks fine but we can't afford more allies without Black Panther to play Simulator event, new members have to add points to the event and there's already 4 without him and others without Psylocke so we have to be more careful on selection
  • Thanks to Ace84 we got our last spot!

    Lar56 is our 19th member!
    we have grow to 19/20 players, thanks everyone!
    Next slot is open, so its just about getting the right recruit now!
  • Hey guys, my in-game name is StoicM. I'm interested in joining and requested to join in game. Currently, in top 10 of both normal and hard simulator events and top 50 overall. I have acquired all the 3*** characters you mentioned except for Patch and I'm working on him in the Lords of Thunder event. If you feel like I'm a good fit, let me know.

    IGN: StoicM
  • Note the next sub event special character should be Lazy Thor.

    From the event thread:

    Rotating buffed characters: Doom, Psylocke, LazyThor, BP

    I want a BP so bad, keep missing him.
  • If you feel like meeting the requirement just send the req
    I will pick the best of the applicants i see pretty soon
  • Hey alex, QuiK_ here... sorry i took so long in contacting you guys. I've been reading the forum messages in the last 3-4 days but i had problems registering in this forum. Now i'm here, have been playing this hole time, and ready to participate even more now.
  • Welcome! nice to see you around
    some of us are in a facebook group called "Marvel Universe Gazette"

    Hope to see kokimg and Zanzibar as well, i would prefer to keep everyone close and aware of what we aim
    right now i would like to see everyone playing both events and more the ones without Black Panther
  • Hii add my to you alliance please ..
    iam aktif player at any event .. for now iam at top 10 steve roger event
    have 4 max level at 2star , 3max on 1star and now work on 3star heroes ..
    now iam waiting on pending list on alliance ..
    my name budie7i3 .. thank you
  • Greetings all,

    I am interested in finding an alliance to join. I am in the 2* to 3* transition and have 31 roster spots (with at least some covers for most/all 2* characters and up; not so much Bag Man though). I am a daily player and currently in top 10 of PvE event and usually competitive in PvP as well (though I have yet to figure out a good LR strategy....).

    Thanks for your consideration!

  • Greetings,

    Please add me to your alliance. My Game ID is ipwalker.

    I am an active player and have all characters in my roster. So far I ranked #6 in the simulator basics and working on the LOT, struggling to win a cover (Ares is fine, patch is even better).

  • After a long thinking i kicked the last 2 that didnt identify themselves, it wasn't fair for the ones that paid their spot or either contacted via PM
    The rest are all accounted for there's no issues
    as results of that, ipwalker and StoicM are the newest members, welcome!

    This are our members:
    Agent Alex - Commander (Forum - FB group admin)
    valden - Commander (FB Group)
    lancy - Commander (Forum - FB group)
    Vlain Iwnoc (FB Group)
    DangerousDave - Commander (Forum)
    Getya - Commander (Forum)
    GuiltTrip - Commander (Forum)
    MarkyMark714 - Commander (Forum)
    josly - Commander (Forum)
    Stone757 - Commander (Forum)
    Ace84 (Forum)
    Phaminator (Forum)
    misterwizzard - Commander (Forum)
    sheisskopf - Commander (Forum)
    GOTHAXED - Commander (Forum)
    QuiK_ (Forum)
    Lar56 (Forum)
    StoicM (Forum)
    IPWalker (Forum)

    We are 19/20 and i offered last position to someone so waiting a reply, there's no hurry since we reached place in which one member won't make jump positions like before
    i'll wait a 1-2 days tops to see if its accepted if not i'll look for someone before Simulator ends
    so lets push for those awards!
  • Awesome! Thanks for adding me. Look forward to contributing to the group.

  • There still one place open for join?

    my roster

    ironman 141
    spiderman 102
    black widow - original - 85
    thor - 85
    wolverine 85
    daken 69
    the hood - 58
    invisible woman - 38
    the punisher - 33

    and at least one of anoters heroes.

  • Hi guys

    Just posting to let you know I joined your alliance as a sign of good faith. Hope to work together with everyone. I usually join many event. my ranges alway in top 50 of many event. depending on the boosted character/s or rules. I just wait your pending , I started to play this game last month , now im playing everyday in multiple time
    My rosters

    Hulk 93
    Blackpanther 70
    Punisher 45
    Black widow classic 81
    Modern thor 50
    I hope you let me join your alliance and shining together