So now it's our fault that device switching...

DubbaHuss Posts: 110 Tile Toppler
...could potentially cause lost rewards? RBK of customer service denies me rewards I spent time, effort, energy and money on because I didn't force close? Like that's my fault? Does the game come with a warning concerning this? I don't think so. Please fix this absolutely insane, opaque customer service! I have been playing since day one and getting a helpful cs agent is like pulling a 5 star anymore.

I mean really, what do I have to prove? I sent pictures of placement, alliance placement, all relevant data. What's the point in denying me rewards I EARNED!

It makes me feel foolish, supporting this game with money, time, and keeping other's invested running an alliance if for no apparent reason rewards can be denied by poor game design and cs agents that couldn't give a damn.