Anniversary III Feedback Poll - RESULTS ARE IN!
Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
Hello fellow tile-matchers!
Marvel Puzzle Quest (MPQ) celebrated their third Anniversary! Some players are new, some have been around for over a year and even some have been here since the beginning! Nonetheless Anniversary is the time all players look forward to each year regardless of how great (Anniversary I) or bad (Anniversary II) the event is. Personally Anniversary III was inbetween Anniversary I and Anniversary II for me. It was not bad but it was not great but it’s not about my opinion but the player base!
We’ve all seen many posts and polls on the forum which will hopefully enlighten the developers and listen to our feedback. If you look at my previous Second Year-End poll, on question 10: Wish List, pretty much all the responses were implemented this year! Please participate as you have done so in past. I will post the results when I receive 100 responses.
This poll is seven (7) questions and will be on SurveyMonkey:
The poll has already reached the 100 participants in record time!! I will review the results and post them tomorrow. Thank you everyone for participating
Note: Mods, can you please re-sticky this?
Prior Polls I created:
Second Year-End Poll:
April 2015 Poll:
July 2015 Poll Part 1:
July 2015 Poll Part 2:
Results in next two posts!
Marvel Puzzle Quest (MPQ) celebrated their third Anniversary! Some players are new, some have been around for over a year and even some have been here since the beginning! Nonetheless Anniversary is the time all players look forward to each year regardless of how great (Anniversary I) or bad (Anniversary II) the event is. Personally Anniversary III was inbetween Anniversary I and Anniversary II for me. It was not bad but it was not great but it’s not about my opinion but the player base!
We’ve all seen many posts and polls on the forum which will hopefully enlighten the developers and listen to our feedback. If you look at my previous Second Year-End poll, on question 10: Wish List, pretty much all the responses were implemented this year! Please participate as you have done so in past. I will post the results when I receive 100 responses.
This poll is seven (7) questions and will be on SurveyMonkey:
The poll has already reached the 100 participants in record time!! I will review the results and post them tomorrow. Thank you everyone for participating
Note: Mods, can you please re-sticky this?
Prior Polls I created:
Second Year-End Poll:
April 2015 Poll:
July 2015 Poll Part 1:
July 2015 Poll Part 2:
Results in next two posts!
Thank you everyone for your participation patience. I am happy to announce that I received the survey votes in record time.. 1 hour! That is amazing and it shows how dedicated our playerbase is. Results and my comments are below. Enjoy
What was your first MPQ Anniversary Event?
48%: Anniversary I
33%: Anniversary II
19%: This was my first Anniversary event
It is nice to see nearly half of the players have been playing MPQ since the beginning. I started right before Anniversary during Sentry’s character release.
1. How would you rate each Anniversary? (Rate between 1 and 5)
4.60: Anniversary I
2.75: Anniversary II
3.22: Anniversary III
Not much surprise here. I also thought Anniversary I was still the best with Anniversary III slightly having the edge over II. Anniversary I helped finish 2* land start my 3* transition, whereas Anniversary II did not do much for my roster, while Anniversary III helped me finish my 3*’s (all champed but Doc Ock and Spidey) and a decent amount of 4*’s that will help me start the 4* transition.
Anniversary III was good, but not great, there were plenty things that prevented it from being awesome (e.g. Boss Rush) but overall it surpassed Anniversary II. Anniversary II gave very little Iso, tokens, rewards compared to Anniversary I and it was called Scamversary so Anniversary III had a lot of work to do which I feel it succeeded overall. The vault was good, the tokens flowed and of course double Iso. Now we just need better and actually fun events for Anniversary IV.
2. What did you enjoy during Anniversary III (Rate between 1-5):
4.97: Double Iso
4.62: Anniversary Vault / Tokens
4.39: SHIELD Simulator Short-Season PVP Progression
4.14: Anniversary III Short-Season PVP Progression & Placement Rewards
4.02: Crash of the Titans: Devil Dino (2 runs)
No surprise that Double Iso was loved (though 3 jerks chose Liked it). However, the Double Iso felt like the amount of Iso I should be amassing because the Iso flow is way too slow and I have never complained about Iso before. The Anniversary Vault and Tokens came in second place. The Vault was solid, I bought a 10Pk and earned 2900 HP which is a free 10pk! My only complaint about the tokens is that we still had separate event tokens for separate vaults, all tokens should have been Anniversary tokens. There likely would have been a lot of Vault resets ($$ for devs) if it were all Anniversary tokens. The Short Season PVP & SHEILD Progression rewards are awesome that I wish we always have Short Seasons. I was able to reach 2000 without any trouble in SHIELD Progression during Anniversary and last Short Season but during a normal season it can be a bloodbath.. I would like to see this explored more. Devil Dino Crash of Titans (4* DDQ) was great for vets like me with a fully covered Dino. That was basically two free Legendary tokens! It was nice because a majority of my 4*’s have no chance to win so this was nice.
3.58: Anniversary Sale on HP/Iso (Oct 1-7)
3.55: Gwenpool’s new character release
3.54: Simulator (PVE)
3.41: I Choose You! (PVP)
These were not loved but not hated. The Anniversary Sale was only for a short timeframe and did not run throughout the entire Anniversary which is a shame. I may have bought some HP if it ran longer because I am not paying full price for something I just missed the sale for, and I am sure many players felt the same. Gwenpool’s release wasn’t anything special, it was just a normal release.. was it too much to ask for Gwenpool Versus MPQ PVE with a free Gwenpool cover? They could have simply reskinned Deadpool with Gwenpool like we are seeing now with Peggy replacing Rogers in Unstable Iso8. It’s disappointing that the devs still refuse to give the first cover, even during Anniversary. Simulator gave some great Iso on the last one-time node but other than that this event is still a pain in the butt and many of the matches were exactly the same from last time the event ran.. change it up! RRRRAAAWWWR was great if you have had a Devil Dino for the past two years, which gives you a small taste of what 4* PVP could be.. which might not be too bad.. Clearance Level 8, maybe?
1.58: Boss Rush (Boss PVE)
2.36: Best Friends Forever (PVP)
2.95: Venom Bomb (PVE)
3.01: Devil Dinosaur Rebalance
3.12: Class of 2016 (PVP)
Now to the worst which still with Boss Rush at a very low 1.58 rating. Only 1 player rated they loved it, while 87 players Hated/Disliked it. It just was not fun and the rewards were worse than Galactus! This event completely killed my Iso and Experience flow. I beat the boss to earn Mystery Boosts.. really?! I didn’t earn Experience Pts for beating the side node once (I thought I did during Civil War). Overall the event was a disaster, I think even worse than Galactus for many reasons but there are tons of posts that show this: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=53424. Best Friends Forever felt more like whose you best 5/4*.. sound familiar? That’s cause it’s regular PVP! It would have been nice to see pre-set teams instead of a list of boosted characters that plagued the Valentines PVP earlier in the year. Class of 2016 was basically just boosts 4 and 5* characters which is not fair to many players. Fortunately I have a fully covered Red Hulk but otherwise I would have done poorly. Devil Dino's rebalance was not great, but not horrible, just okay. He'll still sit on my roster collecting "dust". Venom Bomb was well.. lousy as usual, which is a shame since this is one of the newer PVEs. Overall, it would have been nice to see much better PVE and PVP events during Anniversary.
3. What would you have liked to seen during Anniversary III? (Choose up to 5)
73%: Better Boss event
63%: SHIELD Clearance Levels
41%: More communication from the developers
40%: Special Anniversary Lightning Rounds
38%: More Iso (e.g. Triple Iso)
37%: Special Deadpool Daily Quest
26%: 50 HP Anniversary token
25%: More Tokens awarded
24%: Better Vault Contents / Better Token odds
23%: Better PVE events
21%: Anniversary Season 10pk lower point requirement
18%: More or different types of events
15%: Better PVP events
14%: Better Year 3 (Day 1093-95) SHIELD Daily Supply
10%: More new characters or rebalanced characters
I made the question to only allow voters to choose up to five (5) choices because I felt players would simply just check all the boxes because we want stuff! Little surprise seeing Better Boss Event at the top. Honestly, I think Boss Events should be left out of Anniversary as like I stated above the Iso, Experience Pts and Rewards have not matched the rest of Anniversary goodies. The lack of SHIELD Clearance Levels (CL) was the big mistake in my eyes. Since the implementation of SHIELD CL, it’s been very inconsistent which is a shame because it has received probably the most positive feedback since DDQ. While the rewards were good, they could have been better for Anniversary I players such as 4*’s in progression. At 41% is Developer Communication, I thought this would be much higher because the communication was lacking this year. We received an announcement then a video (which was nice) prior to Anniversary then silence for much of the event. I feel it’s because Anniversary takes place during NYC ComicCon, infact my first ComicCon I was at the MPQ learning about the game (ah memories). ComicCon is a great way to promote the game but it’s been at the expense of your existing playerbase. ComicCon is not moving, but Anniversary can be moved to another week in the month of October if it’ll open up more time for communication.
Special Anniversary Lightning Rounds came close to the T3. The small 20-player 4* Thor Lightning Rounds during Anniversary I was amazing and it is still talked about 2-years later. We saw a brief return during Elektra release but that was it (imagine every 4* release we got a small Lightning Round release). Lightning Rounds in general need an improvement so it’s no surprise there was no special one this year but we’ll continue to dream. More Iso was next, we always want more Iso.. why? Because we need it.. gimme Iso! Special DDQ was next.. it would have been awesome to see a Special Qwenpool Daily Quest to give us a Gwenpool (sound familiar to my suggested Gwenpool Vs MPQ above). I guess the special for DDQ was two runs of Devil Dino. The next three choices involved Tokens. I missed the 50HP token from the prior Anniversary. By having it at 100HP is the same price as any other Daily Token so that was a disappointment. More Tokens could have been granted if there were no Event tokens. Did we really need a Simulator/BestFriend/etc tokens? No. Especially the Heroic tokens in SHIELD Simulator.. why no Anniversary tokens there? It was odd. Next was “Better PVE Events”, Simulator and Venom Bomb are two of the most difficult PVEs that I personally (and many others) do not find fun, yet those were the two PVEs that were chosen.. I leave it at that. I won’t talk about the other choices but I wanted to point out an error so to speak, one choice was Better Year 3 (Day 1093-95) SHIELD Daily Supply. Red Devil Dino is rewarded at Day 1093 (Year 3), so it was assumed that Day 1094 and 1095 would follow with Green and Purple Devil Dino but it didn’t. Instead it went Red Devil Dino, 25 CP, OML (black). Nonetheless I am sure many vets were disappointed to see Red Devil Dino at Year 3.0 -
4. Did you make any purchases during Anniversary III? (Choose all that apply)
53%: Anniversary Daily Token (100 HP)
51%: HP Sale (30%)
43%: Anniversary 10pk Tokens (2800 HP)
26%: No
20%: Anniversary PVE/PVE Event Tokens (100 HP) (e.g. Boss Rush, Class of 2016)
1%: Iso Sale (30%)
Half the playerbase took advantage of the HP Sale to buy those Anniversary Daily tokens and even 10pks! I should have made 40pk an option. Personally I bought two 10pks hoping to get the 4* Deadpool black that I never pulled (out of 56 pulls!). Only 26% did not purchase anything. Some players even took advantage of the Anniversary Event tokens, maybe they had a good vault or they normally buy Daily tokens regardless of the event. Now the sad truth.. 1% purchase Iso.. yes 1 player. Iso is ridiculously expensive, we all know this. The fact you cannot level a 2* for $100 is silly and needs to be reviewed. Hell since the CP replaced the currency for buying covers make HP not a good value as it used to be. Nonetheless, buying Iso is a waste of money (in most cases).
5. Will you continue playing MPQ after Anniversary III?
61%: Yes, I will play the same or similar amount
31%: Yes, but I am cutting down on my play time
0%: No, I am done playing MPQ
2%: No, but I am taking a break from the game
4%: Not sure yet
Regardless of how frustrating MPQ can be at times, over 90% will still continue to play. Even for someone like me that retired earlier in the year came back to MPQ. No matter how insulted or disrespected we feel, we’ll still play. The devs know that as long as they continue to make slight changes, we’ll still play and chase the 5* carrot. At least this Anniversary was better than last year and we already saw a re-balanced Starlord.. good times ahead!
6. Do you have high expectations for Anniversary IV?
13%: Yes, I have enjoyed Anniversaries overall
16%: Yes, I feel the developers will make the next event better
11%: No, it will fail
7%: No, I will unlikely be playing when Anniversary IV is released
53%: Unsure, I will wait and see
Over half the players are unsure what Anniversary IV will bring us. Anniversary II was a huge disappointment while Anniversary was simply better. Sometimes it’s just difficult to beat the first one of anything.. hell look at a movie like Ghostbusters, no sequel or remake will beat it! I will say that I feel the devs are listening more than they have in the past even if they are communicating and talking to us less. We’ve seen some great changes lately and I do hope Anniversary IV will return to greatness!
Anyways, thank you for participating and reading the results.
Sincerely Yours,
MPQ Forum’s Most Favorite (and only?) Punisher
Full Poll Results: -
The Pick 5 things that could be better question should allow more. I had a very hard time only picking 5.0
Curious in results myself.0
deadtaco wrote:The Pick 5 things that could be better question should allow more. I had a very hard time only picking 5.
That's the point, otherwise players will select all answers because everything would be nice
By narrowing it to the T5, it shows the developers what we really wanted/expected for Anniversary III (e.g. SHIELD Clearance Level)
Thank you for your feedback. I will add it above so players are aware.0 -
With regard to the final question I found myself wanting to say I something more middle of the road - I have low expectations due to the downhill path each anniversary has been on since the first. Not entirely pessimistic but far from optimistic0
Jathro wrote:With regard to the final question I found myself wanting to say I something more middle of the road - I have low expectations due to the downhill path each anniversary has been on since the first. Not entirely pessimistic but far from optimistic
You're right, I probably should have had more of a neutral option. I'll remember this for next year0 -
aesthetocyst wrote:Only 100 users? Is that a limit placed by SurveyMonkey?
Should have included an option to report 40pk purchases. Those were pretty popular on the Anniversary vault.
Yeah, all of my polls are limited to 100 participates because I am not paying for SurveyMonkey. The 100 responses gives us a good idea of what we want as a playerbase.
You're right, I probably should have done 40pks.. next year0 -
Oh, poo. I wanted to see this and participate in it. You suck.0
I am posting the results! Thank you everyone for participating0
aesthetocyst wrote:Punisher5784 wrote:
1. How would you rate each Anniversary? (Rate between 1 and 5)
4.60: Anniversary I
2.75: Anniversary II
3.22: Anniversary III
On the comeback trail!
Looks like it will take a journey of 3.94 baby steps to fully recover from the disaster of "You are supposed to lose" 1.0.
Going out with "You are supposed to lose" 2.0 was a bold play, but probably not the best plan, if the goal was to make Anni III a return to the benchmark set by Anni I.
Oh well, always another year out there somewhere.
Agreed. They simply reversed the under of "You're Supposed to Lose" from beginning of Anniversary to the end. It seems like every time we're happy, the hammer comes crashing down on us as if we're supposed to be frustrated.
In the end, Boss Rush was a nice break of grinding for Iso because my wife was getting annoyed that I was playing more than usual and she did not care for "but baby this is the 3rd year Anniversary event"0 -
Punisher5784 wrote:4. Did you make any purchases during Anniversary III? (Choose all that apply)
53%: Anniversary Daily Token (100 HP)
51%: HP Sale (30%)
43%: Anniversary 10pk Tokens (2800 HP)
26%: No
20%: Anniversary PVE/PVE Event Tokens (100 HP) (e.g. Boss Rush, Class of 2016)
1%: Iso Sale (30%)
That ISO purchase number seems high to me. I was expecting it to be around 1% lower based on the cost of ISO vs the cost to champion 4* and 5* characters.0 -
HaywireII wrote:Punisher5784 wrote:4. Did you make any purchases during Anniversary III? (Choose all that apply)
53%: Anniversary Daily Token (100 HP)
51%: HP Sale (30%)
43%: Anniversary 10pk Tokens (2800 HP)
26%: No
20%: Anniversary PVE/PVE Event Tokens (100 HP) (e.g. Boss Rush, Class of 2016)
1%: Iso Sale (30%)
That ISO purchase number seems high to me. I was expecting it to be around 1% lower based on the cost of ISO vs the cost to champion 4* and 5* characters.0 -
HaywireII wrote:Punisher5784 wrote:4. Did you make any purchases during Anniversary III? (Choose all that apply)
53%: Anniversary Daily Token (100 HP)
51%: HP Sale (30%)
43%: Anniversary 10pk Tokens (2800 HP)
26%: No
20%: Anniversary PVE/PVE Event Tokens (100 HP) (e.g. Boss Rush, Class of 2016)
1%: Iso Sale (30%)
That ISO purchase number seems high to me. I was expecting it to be around 1% lower based on the cost of ISO vs the cost to champion 4* and 5* characters.
I am going to assume it was someone that was flooded with covers and needed the Iso to champ someone.. I was very close to doing it but then I realized I would be buying Iso for a 3* and thought that was ridiculous.. it was Mystique (10 covers).. ain't nobody got money to buy Iso for her0
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