Boss rush rounds

Jones3al Posts: 2 Just Dropped In
I'm in a different round then my alliance members and the points are recording. My brother and alliance member is in round 8 while I'm in round 6 and neither one of us can progress.


  • I'm having the same problem. The top guy in the alliance is almost done with Round 6, I'm 1/3 through Round 6, and two other guys are in Round 4. WHAT'S GOING ON???
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    It was an individual progression event, unlike all the previous boss events. They weren't at all clear about that up front. I'm guessing making the event name "Boss Rush vs. <your screen name here>" was their attempt at communicating this very important detail.
  • Ah, I didn't notice that. I was reading through the announcements to see if it said anything about it--which it didn't, so I assumed there was a glitch. Thanks for clearing it up!