Hey D3 can you please tell me the theme of this team?

Tromb2ch2 Posts: 301 Mover and Shaker
edited October 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
So we all know that boss rush is not going very well but there is one thing that I do like about boss rush (and all boss, gauntlet, and simulator nodes). The thing I'm talking about is the team composition of the enemies.

Usually there are 4ish ways they decide what the teams are going to be and those are:

1. Team affiliations. These consist of teams like drax/sl/gramora, px/Cyclops/Jean, Electra/gorgon and hand, hood and maggia etc etc. And it's exciting to see these teams because I don't have the characters but would love to play with them.

2. Abilities. These teams are teams like switch and kingpin, switch and iceman (yeah could be a team affiliation but I put this here), totally awesome hulk and black bolt or silver surfer or thoress. These teams hurt to go up against.

3. Rarity. Usually it's either hey here is a bunch of 5* or 4* that don't really have anything in common except that.

4. Random. I'm not quite sure they choose this option but sometimes I feel they do.

Now that I've shown you what I look for, it's time for the teams in question!

During the time frame from 12pm to 8pm est on Friday the 14th there was a wave node were the required character was wolverine. The first of the 2 waves was against black panther, black bolt, and black suit spiderman. So as for team affiliation i don't see one. For abilities I don't see anything. No second stun for bss, no extra charge tiles for bb. We got 2 5* and 1 3* that were released no where near each other. I guess it could be a random team?

Then the second node was kk, Peggy, 3cm.

Now in my mind I have the themes, the second team confirmed it for me and I'm sorry for thinking what I am but that's what it looks like. I have pictures of both the teams and can put it on an image posting website if need be to link on here.


  • Blahahah
    Blahahah Posts: 738 Critical Contributor
    For the first wave:

    BLACK Panther
    BLACK Suit Spider-Man
    BLACK Bolt

    Obviously the theme is "Men in Black" icon_razz.gif
  • Tromb2ch2
    Tromb2ch2 Posts: 301 Mover and Shaker
    Blahahah wrote:
    For the first wave:

    BLACK Panther
    BLACK Suit Spider-Man
    BLACK Bolt

    Obviously the theme is "Men in Black" icon_razz.gif

    That is a much better way to say what I'm thinking that team is. Specially with that second team right behind it.
  • Blahahah
    Blahahah Posts: 738 Critical Contributor
    Not sure who 3cm is, otherwise I could give you the answer to the other one
  • Tromb2ch2
    Tromb2ch2 Posts: 301 Mover and Shaker
    Blahahah wrote:
    Not sure who 3cm is, otherwise I could give you the answer to the other one
    3* captain marvel
  • Tromb2ch2
    Tromb2ch2 Posts: 301 Mover and Shaker
    I guess it could be men in black and Charlie's Angels.
  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    Aren't they Ladies in Red?
  • Wolarsen
    Wolarsen Posts: 326 Mover and Shaker
    On second team, they all take the name of a previously exusting character:
    KK is "miss marvel"
    Peggy is "captain america"
    Captain Marvel is, well, Captain Marr-Vell (havent checked spelling)
  • TimGunn
    TimGunn Posts: 257 Mover and Shaker
    Wolarsen wrote:
    On second team, they all take the name of a previously exusting character:
    KK is "miss marvel"
    Peggy is "captain america"
    Captain Marvel is, well, Captain Marr-Vell (havent checked spelling)

    Clever! replacement heroes.